
In 2017 Danube City is the capital of the first state on Earth where the citizens not resorting to narcotisers are subjected to the dictatorship of smokers and drug-addicts. Even the production costs of the Pozafiecs-potion, invented by the Prime Minister's surgeon, head of the council of ten leading the state, are raised from the taxes paid by the non-addicts. The fates of three friends are evidence for the nightmare-like world of the dictatorship: Dániel Reményi's forced air-flight, Kristóf Maroni's being deported, and Tamás Roszics's becoming an invalid. The attempts at terminating the regime are thwarted by sending out „students" as stool pigeons. János Paulus is such a „student", now tracing the footsteps of a saxophonist girl. (Balázs Béla Stúdió Alapítvány)
