Suoratoistopalvelut (1)


Kuka sanoi, että Frank Martin on lopettanut? Kaikkien aikojen kuljettaja palaa suorittamaan viimeistä tehtäväänsä – elintärkeää ihmiskuljetusta. Kuljetus on niin tärkeä, että hän on saanut rannekkeen, joka räjähtää, jos hän menee yli 25 metrin päähän autosta! (Nordisk Film Fin.)

Videot (4)

Traileri 3

Arvostelut (7)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Oh dear. You could be forgiven for thinking that when a filmmaker has Jason Statham, a shiny Audi, some cash for car chases and fights at his disposal, nothing can go wrong. But it can! Cut the action scenes so much that there’s nothing left, sit Jason down next to an annoying Russian (sorry, Ukrainian) girl and don’t give away the plot until the second half of the movie to make sure that nobody knows what’s happening. Thank god for Knepper, at least, who’s the best villain in the Courier trilogy. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti To the third all the best with Jason Statham and Francois Berléand and as a bonus with the archilot T-Bag. I didn't expect anything drastically different from the third part than what was shown in the first and second parts and it turned out the same, no deviation for the better or worse happened. Again, it's an action comedy completely detached from reality, which serves only to entertain and lighten the brain cells of all viewers. With that feeling I went to the cinema and that's how I left. Jason's dances with a sake and a huge opponent brought a wide smile to my face. Redheads with freckled faces are tempting, but when the female character was supposed to be from Ukraine, why not Olga Kurylenko? She probably had a lot of work with other environmental villains. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti It looked like a crazy mixture of the first two installments, already problematic in their own right, but Frank Martin reached the finish line for the third time with surprising ease. He may have had a suitcase full of clichés like a cold stranger, a slimy villain, or a crazy geek, but with imaginative action that, thanks to its usual over-the-top nature, functions as the perfect adrenaline. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Jason Statham does an excellent job from the first to the last minute. But the Russian (sorry, Ukrainian) redhead stops being annoying only in the last third, when the villain also gets more interesting and the screenplay offers up a few ideas to spice up all the routine action (airbags, train). But the routine first hour won’t let me give this movie more than two stars. The fight scenes lack physicality and are nothing but attractions edited just for show. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti This is a pleasant surprise in terms of expectations because the return to Europe was obviously good for Frank Martin. Besson's screenplay is one big absolute "WTF?!" and Megaton's action at the end is a bit "over the top." On the other hand, I enjoyed how nicely it flows, how the traditionally charismatic Jason delivers one decent punch after another in Yuen's choreography, and what a great villain Robert Knepper is. On the other hand, transporting obnoxious Ukrainian women with the image of a better hooker, breaking one rule after another, and having sex in the back seat is too much even for my benevolent little self. I give it a decent two stars and I’m looking forward to the fourth film. ()

Kuvagalleria (45)