Suoratoistopalvelut (2)


Kun ehdonalaiseen vapauteen päästetty verenhimoinen uusnatsi ottaa afroamerikkalaisen perheen panttivangiksi väkivaltaiseksi yltyneen yön aikana, poliisi joutuu pyytämään vaarallisen vangin neuvottelemaan kidnappaajan kanssa... (VL-Media)

Videot (1)

Traileri 1

Arvostelut (1)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti If only it wasn't so forced and the film didn't try so hard to push the envelope. Maybe it would be worth it, but nothing fits here. The narrative style and its non-chronological nature certainly don't enhance the experience, which is essentially just a simple story needlessly stretched to two hours, where the characters' behavior is hardly graspable and unnecessarily exaggerated. ()

Kuvagalleria (27)