
Muutettuaan pikkukaupunkiin Zach Cooper näkee asian valoisan puolen, kun hän tapaa naapurissa asuvan Hannahin, Goosebumpsmenestyskirjasarjan tekijän R. L. Stinen tyttären. Stinen kirjojen kuuluisat hirviöt ovatkin oikeasti olemassa, ja hän suojelee lukijoitaan pitämällä hirviöt lukittuina kirjojen käsikirjoituksissa. Kun hirviöt pääsevät vahingossa vapaaksi, Stinen, Zachin ja Hannahin tehtävänä on vangita ne takaisin kirjoihinsa. (Universal Sony Pictures HE Fin.)


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kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti If you know you’ll get a new Jumanji, i.e. unpretentious entertainment for the whole family, instead of black comedy-horror like An American Werewolf in London, you’ll be satisfied. With the exception of the opening minutes, where it just piles cliché upon cliché, this is a very nicely directed and acted (the annoying guy with an overbite has some of the best moments) fantasy that delivers diverse and visually compelling monsters and a pleasant teen romance at a decent pace, so that in the end the exaggerated attempt at cool entertainment and the predictable plot without any major twists and turns fits in somehow naturally. I think the two and even one star ratings are very exaggerated and unfair. For me, a decent 3*. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Goosebumps is a nice nostalgic notch for the whole family and an homage to the 90's. You can't expect blood or scares from the film, even if an unexpected bird flies out at the viewer at times, but it's a nice entertainment, where they don't spare both very nice light humor and a very varied selection of monsters – there is every creature you can think of: a very creepy belly talking doll, a giant destructive grasshopper, a giant snowman, reanimated garden gnomes, zombies, a clown, a mummy, a werewolf, an all consuming slime, flesh eating plants, an invisible boy and lots more. The film has stunning visuals, the 80 million budget is not often seen in a horror film, the young teenagers are likable, the romantic chemistry between them works, and surprisingly, and for me completely unexpected, are the fairly decent and often dosed twists, the solid premise, and the surprising allusions not only to older horror films, but to the film industry in general. I had a very pleasant time and got younger by six years:) It won't be for everyone though, I'd recommend the film more to the fairer sex, children and people who have a taste for older classics. The rest will probably grumble and shake their heads. Story 7/10, Atmosphere 6/10, Gore 0/10, Visuals 7/10, Action 6/10, Suspense 7/10, Humor 8/10 Entertainment 8/10. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A very enjoyable comedy spectacle, light as a feather, quite imaginative, with nice effects, a passable Jack Black (he and director Letterman have definitely improved since Gulliver's Travels) and an excellent score by Danny Elfman. Yes, of course, the comparison with Jumanji also occurred to me, but unlike the others, I do not think that Goosebumps lost significantly in the "duel". For a number of scenes, I thought that at least it had the atmosphere that the new Ghostbusters should have. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti At first glance, the film version of Goosebumps is a complete mess, but not so for someone who knows those legendary R.L. Stine books. Regarding this, you need to know that "Goosebumps" is for younger kids, while "Fear Street" is for teens, and that R. L. Stine is truly a generational concept. All those stories like "Monster Blood," "Say Cheese and Die!", "Haunted Mask" or "One Day at Horrorland" are accessible to anyone who hasn't forgotten how much fun it is to be a kid with a ghost under the bed. I was a little afraid of Jack Black in the film, but he played Stine with a great deal of humility and helped the project become a tribute to a phenomenon that will never be forgotten. Plus we also get the bombshell cameo here by the real Stine, who plays... teacher Black. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I admit that at a second viewing, this film feels far friendlier than when I first saw it. For the first time, I was mainly annoyed by those brats, which didn’t change that much. On the other hand, I must admit that I felt the same way as when I watched Jumanji as a kid. And that’s why the movie grew on me in the end. Goosebumps might not be the best fantasy horror comedy, but it’s still something that they don’t film anymore. Most importantly, there’s even occasional jokes (especially the cops), beautiful effects, inventive story and Jack Black. ()

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