Fast & Furious 8

  • Suomi The Fate of the Furious (lisää)
Traileri 3


Domin (Vin Diesel) ja Lettyn (Michelle Rodriguez) mentyä naimisiin ja Brianin ja Mian vetäydyttyä kuvioista maailmankiertäjien tiimi on löytänyt normaalia muistuttavan elämänmenon. Mutta kun salaperäinen nainen (Oscar®-voittaja Charlize Theron) houkuttelee Domin jälleen rikosten poluille, tiimillä on edessään ennennäkemättömiä koettelemuksia. Eliittijoukon on sukkuloitava ympäri maapalloa pysäyttääkseen anarkistin, joka aikoo saattaa maailman kaaokseen... ja tuodakseen takaisin miehen, joka teki heistä perheen. (Universal Sony Pictures HE Fin.)


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Traileri 3

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kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Before the screening I was sure of five stars in the end it's only a very strong four. This series more or less started to entertain me only from the 5th episode, since the previous episodes were only about racing and I don't like that much. Now it's turned into something that absolutely disregards physics, gravity and logic and a lot of people can't stomach it, but if it wasn't for that, I'd never see what this franchise shows in a movie because no other movie could afford to do that and I'm grateful to this franchise for that. There are a lot of great actors, great modern music, pretty women, fast cars, the money is damn evident in every frame, for me as a modern young person it's very enjoyable to watch and I have a great time. Tyrese Gibson brings me to my knees with his wit, Jason Statham is a decent second, although in my opinion he was much funnier in Spy, still these roles suit him and I would definitely only give him action comedies in the future, rather than the B-movie actioners that a lot of others are making. The biggest highlights of this episode are the car hacking, which again is something not seen anywhere else, and the 20 minute finale with the submarine, torpedoes and monstrous explosions which is breathtaking. What's a downside, and the reason I'm not giving full marks, is that the fights have been significantly reduced, there's really only a stylish jailbreak and Statham's excellent baby dance, that's the end of the fights and there's no shooting, which was a bit more frustrating than disappointing. I liked the previous episodes a bit more, I find the eighth returns more to the old ways i.e. the racing which I don't welcome too warmly. Charlize Theron as a baddie is great, too bad there wasn't a female lead. Still, it must be seen in the cinema and I'll definitely watch the film again. 80%. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti The Fast and Furious brand isn’t about cars like it used to. It’s not about the races or the smell of burnt tires anymore. Now it’s a brand ensuring high-quality action orgies that may be as dumb as a doorknob, but they have bigger balls than an elephant does. Moreover, they have such a solid casting of action movie actors that I feel like they’ve created a sequel to The Expendables. Personally, I liked Jason Statham the most. He has found himself in his recent roles and he had some amazing lines here. The monstrous actor The Rock comes close second and the entire rest of them follows, including Charlize Theron who was pretty sickening as a villain. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Being the screenwriter of a billion-dollar franchise must be a bitch. Sniffing cocaine out of the asses of L.A.'s top prostitutes and knowing that no matter how much shit you do on paper, you'll get away with it and someone will actually film it eventually. Don't be fooled by the perfect production glitz because this is Hollywood sludge that lacks even a shred of judgment. I don't mind the overblown action orgy, where stuntmen go all out and everything is tuned by special effects artists who were paid handsomely for their overtime. It bothers me that it flies around the world without anchoring itself in the plot, that so many Deus ex machina enter the plot, and that even the zombie is supposed to be excused by the fact that family is the most important thing. It’s overpriced kitsch that does not caricature the trend set by the fifth film in the series but instead degrades it. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti It´s really sad when a similar essence of überblockbuster, which would like to rely on long excessive action-packed CGI escapades full of dozens of raining cars or nuclear submarines chasing the most luxurious sport cars on the planet, where perhaps two consecutive sequences cannot do without a Bay-scale explosion, only work during scenes where testosterone sparkles between Rock and Statham, where one or the other takes on the role of babysitter or women team coach, where Charlize and Kurt fully enjoy the guilty pleasure potential of their counterparts, etc. Thanks to making this movie move up to another level in term of everything (I was surprised it could be more absurd), this movie is the better one from the last two movie. But still, it has not found balance between various (what is missing are classic kicking someone´s ass moments which is a shame and it´s hard to believe with this cast) incomprehensible), team work and within the scope of a stylishly exaggerated blockbuster of the five. #family ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Good for me. Surprisingly good, because they probably realized that what they are about to serve to the viewers cannot be sold with a serious face. So they focused more on humor, wisecracks, and irony. And it works. The over-the-top action is interspersed with moments where it is evident that everyone on set is actually having quite a bit of fun. In this eighth installment, they can do whatever they want, so they openly disregard rules, laws of physics, or logic. Vin Diesel, F. Gary Gray, and the whole gang simply received a bunch of money and had a blast like five-year-old boys whose parents built them a race track for the first time and now they can play... maybe Fast and Furious. Yeah, it's nonsense, but this time so sincerely exaggerated that it's impossible not to enjoy. And Jason Statham confirms here that it's a pity Hollywood discovered his comedic talent too late. I had a good time. ()

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