
Bateman ja McAdams ovat Max ja Annie, joiden jokaviikkoisten peli-iltojen panokset kovenevat, kun Maxin karismaattinen veli Brooks (Chandler) järjestää murhamysteeribileet, joihin kuuluu valekonnia ja leikkiagentteja. Kun Brooks siepataan, kaikki olettavat sen kuuluvan peliin... eikö? Mutta kun nämä kuusi pelihullua ryhtyvät ratkaisemaan arvoitusta napatakseen voiton, heille alkaa valjeta, että tämä “peli” – eikä liioin Brooks – ole ihan sitä, mitä he ovat kuvitelleet. Kaoottisen peli-illan aikana ystävykset huomaavat uppoavansa yhä syvemmälle vaaraan jokaisen johtolangan viedessä heidät uuteen yllättävään käänteeseen. Ilman sääntöjä, pisteitä tai tietoa siitä, ketkä oikeastaan pelissä ovatkaan mukana, luvassa voi olla jännittävin pelivoitto koskaan... tai sitten kohtalokas tappio. (SF Studios Fin.)


Arvostelut (10)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti What is surprising about this comedy is that it doesn’t have a decent comedic opening which would later on fade into mediocrity and a classic happy ending. On the contrary, I wasn’t sure what to think about it in the beginning and only started to appreciate the originality of its premise after 20 minutes of watching it and then I was finally enjoying it more and more. In the end this is one of the most original comedies I have seen recently, and I went to bed in a very good mood indeed. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti An excellent comedy that is nothing of the American style, avoids clichés and is very smart. Rachel McAdams is adorable, Jason Bateman gives a classically decent performance, and I found Jesse Plemons as the mysterious cop very funny. It's has a great pace, a good idea, decent lines and fine situational humour, nicely dosed twists that get more and more wacky towards the end, and there's also action and a dose of suspense, so for me a lot of great satisfaction and perfect entertainment. I wouldn't be opposed to a sequel. 85% ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Ozark meets Dexter. A comedy version of Fincher’s The Game with a family feel. Perhaps more twists than might be wise, but still this is a great watch. One of the best comedies currently showing on Netflix. A must for board game enthusiasts. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A fairly entertaining romp that alternates usually mediocre comedy moments with rather clumsy action passages, aided by the odd use of miniatures and atypical camera shots, apparently in an attempt to be interesting at all costs. There are moments when it fulls it off, others when not much so. But the positive element of a likeable lead pair is still present, dominated mostly by Rachel McAdams and the absolutely awesome interludes with Denzel Washington. The dialogue interactions are fine, but the viewer just has to accept that it's actually terrible bullshit from A to Z. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti It wasn't boring and I liked the sympathetic unpredictability of the script. However, I can't say I was entertained all the time, and although Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams are a nice duo, most of the other characters were just by the numbers. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A likeable stew where the attentive film buff, despite a number of stupid twists, will find something in the hilarious parodies and witty references to David Fincher, while the viewers who simply go to the cinema to switch off will experience 100 minutes of non-committal and unflagging entertainment. Had the film maintained the conversational and narrative verve of the first half and not swung into such action and plot breadth, it could easily have been the comedy of the year. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A great relaxing film, which made me laugh, without any cringeworthy moments. The two protagonists were great, but the rest of the cast didn't fall behind and I had a great time all along. I will definitely remember the bullet removal scene, including the preparations, it was a masterpiece :-) ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti With closed eyes three smaller stars mainly for Rachel McAdams and scenes with the neighbor-cop. The idea is great, but the execution could have been much, much better. It's a shame when there was such potential. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti An absurd comedy with a thriller theme? When I read that, the combination didn't seem too promising, but the result was worth it. Positive feedback from viewers definitely convinced me that it was worth watching. And it was. Without the central acting duo, the film would have fallen to below-average levels. Rachel McAdams played a constantly smiling character who found everything to be a big joke; I thoroughly enjoyed her perfect comedic performance. On the other hand, Jason Bateman portrayed a person with low self-esteem who wants to measure up to his older brother, and he did it excellently. The story doesn’t make much sense and there are a lot of twists that significantly shake up the plot, but I might have personally limited them. In terms of entertainment, there’s nothing to complain about. The standout scenes for me were those involving the neighbor cop and his dog. The moments in the cop’s house, especially those with the dog, nearly had me falling out of my chair. It was really unbearable. Other jokes were still bearable; they didn’t cross the line of taste, which is rare in today’s comedies. I would definitely recommend it more as a comedy; the thriller element is more of an addition. I give it 74%. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Good American comedies are as rare as hen's teeth. This one may not be particularly funny, but it has that quirky vibe and, above all, it's as dynamic as can be. For its thrilling pace, a few memorable jokes, and a relatively original theme, Game Night definitely deserves four stars. (75%) ()