Luis MandokiKäsikirjoitus:
Gerald Di PegoKuvaus:
Caleb DeschanelSävellys:
Gabriel YaredNäyttelijät:
Kevin Costner, Robin Wright, Paul Newman, John Savage, Illeana Douglas, Robbie Coltrane, Jesse James, Rosemary Murphy, Bethel Leslie, Steven Eckholdt (lisää)Suoratoistopalvelut (2)
"Viesti mereltä" on Nicholas Sparksin menestysromaaniin pohjautuva romanttinen draama, jossa avioerostaan toipuva tutkiva toimittaja Theresa löytää rantahiekasta pullon, joka sisältää koskettavan kirjeen.Theresa alkaa etsiä kirjeen kirjoittajaa ja lopulta löytää Garretin, veneenrakentajan, jonka kuolleelle vaimolle pulloposti oli osoitettu. Pikkuhiljaa Theresa ja Garret löytävät rakkauden, jota he eivät uskoneet koskaan enää kokevansa. (Warner Home Video Fin.)
(lisää)Videot (1)
Arvostelut (4)
A nice main couple in an excessively changeable mood. The script switches from cute whispering to solving life dramas to reflecting on deep memories, usually from one minute to the next. Apart from that, Kevin Costner's immense charisma is severely hindered by unbearably drawn-out love scenes where lines like "I love touching your things" lose their impact, and the magic of the moment almost always burns out with a whiff of smoke. ()
A mix of drama and romance that hooked me from the start. Even back then, I was completely drawn in, and rewatching it later, it hit just the same. It’s one of those emotional, nostalgic films from the video rental days of my youth that I couldn’t help but feel every time. ()
The first adaptation of a Nicholas Sparks romance is... quite the experience. An implausible story that should capture one's heart from the first minute, although there was no room to build any kind of relationship with the main characters. Eh. The once-attractive Robin Wright (The Princess Bride) and the long-forgotten Kevin Costner (Dances With Wolves) meet over the poignant story of his late wife and, despite his asexual flannel shirt, take a chance on a new relationship. The ending is a parody of Hemingway. ()
Touching romance. Luis Mandoki's sense of direction, the cinematography is incredibly refined, Gabriel Yared's music is fantastic, and the whole film is immersed in a unique romantic feeling. Kevin Costner knows how to handle these roles and Robin Wright Penn is just as great. Yes, the ending may be overly sentimental, but considering the concept and overall feeling, it can be tolerated just fine. ()