I See You

Traileri 1


Täydellisessä kaupungissa, joka on täynnä täydellisiä perheitä, 12-vuotias Justin Whitter on kadonnut. Juttua johtava rikostutkija Greg Harper (Jon Tenney) yrittää ratkaista rikosta, joka nostaa pintaan toisen tutkinnan menneisyydestä. Samaan aikaan hän yrittää antaa anteeksi Jackie-vaimolleen (Helen Hunt), joka petti häntä hiljattain. Perhe kärsii valtavasti Jackien teosta, jonka aiheuttama syyllisyyden tunne saa hänen otteensa todellisuudesta herpaantumaan. Kun pahansuopa entiteetti ilmaantuu ja asettaa heidän Connor-poikansa (Judah Lewis) kuolemanvaaraan, totuus Harperien talon pahuudesta paljastuu vihdoin. (SF Studios Fin.)


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Traileri 1

Arvostelut (4)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A little-known and quite good thriller that asks dozens of mysterious and enigmatic questions in the first half and answers them all in the second half. I don't want to write spoilers because it's good to know as little as possible about the plot. I didn't even get bored at the pace and the film nicely deceives with its genre as it changes over time from family drama, thriller, home invasion to a crime drama with child kidnapping. Story-wise it's a good and very original idea with a few twists and turns, so for me it's pretty good and the rating should be much higher. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti At first, it was actually quite intense. You have no idea what is coming for you, but all that initial tension promises that it could possibly be original and it is. I quite like it when horror movies change subgenres a bit and especially when it's well done and functional, those pieces are easier for me to remember. I See You at first looks like some kind of strange ghost story or something supernatural and with the help of really unpleasant and eerie background music, it sends shivers down your spine. I particularly recommend watching it at night. However, it also caused me a temporary mental damage from the momentary appearance of Helen Hunt, who looks like she is falling apart in a coffin, bringing me every time a disturbing anxiety to disgust with each subsequent glance at her. The story gradually begins to clarify and turns the card a few times, so there is no lack of surprises either. At times, it really reminded me of a horror movie that I don't want to spoil here, because it would reveal a twist a bit, but otherwise I See You is a very decent and original B-movie work, which we accidentally discovered, we blindly went into it, and we were satisfied with it. That's how it should be. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti An ambitious little thriller that looks uninspiring at first, but from the second half onwards it's a decent ride full of twists and suspense. Children are disappearing in town and strange things start happening in the detective's family's house, and thankfully it's not ghosts. From the second half onwards the film throws up one surprise after another and it all fits in nicely and works. I expected almost nothing and got a decent inoffensive one-off. 7/10. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A subtle thriller with a great idea. From the moment of slipping under the garage doors, you think you don’t need to see anything else because you know everything. However, Adam Randall has a few interesting surprises up his sleeve (like a PEZ dispenser on par with Kobayashi porcelain). And Helen Hunt? It’s clear that her face wasn’t cared for by a plastic surgeon but rather by an inexperienced apprentice stretching calf skin over tympani. The closer the shot was on her, the more I felt like I was seeing Oldman's pig farmer from Hannibal. Yikes! If her casting was meant to mislead the audience into a false horror trail, it was a masterstroke. ()

Kuvagalleria (11)