Rebecca HallKäsikirjoitus:
Rebecca HallKuvaus:
Eduard GrauSävellys:
Devonté HynesNäyttelijät:
Tessa Thompson, Ruth Negga, Alexander Skarsgård, André Holland, Doris McCarthy, Derek Roberts, Bill Camp, Gbenga Akinnagbe, Antoinette Crowe-Legacy (lisää)Suoratoistopalvelut (1)
1920-luvulla New Yorkissa mustan naisen maailma mullistuu, kun hänen elämäänsä astuu entinen lapsuudenystävä, joka esiintyy valkoisena. (Netflix)
Arvostelut (2)
An elegant black-and-white drama that is staged stiffly in the first half and scripted dully in the second. Yet the story of two women who can straddle the worlds of black and white has a strong dramatic tone. The debuting Hall, however, manages to elegantly describe it rather than evoke it in a truly impressive way. In the end, Passing does not come across convincingly as either a personal story or a metaphor for black faces and white masks. ()
An intriguing premise that falls flat in execution — something that’s becoming pretty common on Netflix. It’s not always easy to spot these duds right away. However, Rebecca Hall shows promise as a director, bringing in some creative touches that add a bit of flair to an otherwise dull story. ()
Kuvagalleria (10)
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