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  • Canada The Tearsmith (plus)

VOD (1)


Deux ados perturbés se retrouvent face à un amour impossible. (Netflix)

Vidéo (1)


Critiques (2)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I tiptoed around this film on Netflix for ages, it just didn’t seem appealing at all. The cover alone looked terrible. But something about the fantasy, drama, and romance mix gave me a sliver of hope that it might not be a complete disaster. The opening scene was actually pretty decent, with some epic music setting the mood. But then, it all fell apart with sugary sweet relationships straight out of Twilight. When the initially intriguing soundtrack repeats for the hundredth time in another overly sentimental scene, it becomes infuriating. Sure, it might find its audience, especially among the more sensitive souls of today, but beyond that, I can't see who else the creators were targeting. The Tearsmith is an awful mess. I haven’t cringed this hard at a movie in a long time. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Ah, well. It took me a really long time to get through that. I kept coming back to it and didn't tackle it in one go because it was so cringeworthy. Watching it was occasionally awkward to the point of unbearable. Awkward scenes wrapped in torment and damaged souls... nope, this is not my cup of tea. The acting performances were weird, the awkward guy in the lead role was the absolute worst, and overall this was soulless. Probably good as a teen book, but the execution was terrible. ()


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