Gore VerbinskiScénario:
J.H. WymanPhotographie:
Dariusz WolskiMusique:
Alan SilvestriActeurs·trices:
Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, James Gandolfini, J.K. Simmons, Bob Balaban, Gene Hackman, David Krumholtz, Pedro Armendáriz Jr., Luis Felipe Tovar (plus)VOD (3)
Jerry Welbach est un petit malfrat, dont la compagne, Samantha Barzel, lui demande de laisser tomber ses combines foireuses. Or, Margolies, un vieux gangster, le charge d'une dernière mission : rapporter de Mexico un pistolet légendaire et unique au monde, appelé Le Mexicain. (ESC Distribution)
Vidéo (1)
Critiques (3)
An enjoyable adventure comedy, which may not be the most imaginative, but it always entertains. Shorten it by about 20 minutes and it would be even better. At the same time, The Mexican is also one of my favorite soundtracks - Alan Silvestri pays homage to the master Morricone here (and he gave it a hell of a lot of effort). ()
Devoid of any idea, pacing, humour, script, acting and everything that should make a good movie. Overall, it's bearable and it won't offend your taste, but it's a total waste of time. ()
If it weren’t for the stiff performances, The Mexican could’ve been pretty entertaining. It’s got enough action, it’s shot well, and the story is decent. But it’s a perfect example of how a film with potential can fall flat when the actors either aren’t up for it or just seem like they don’t want to be there. ()