Game of Thrones - Season 4 (2014) (saison)
Neil MarshallPhotographie:
David FrancoMusique:
Ramin DjawadiActeurs·trices:
Kit Harington, Rose Leslie, Peter Vaughan, Owen Teale, Dominic Carter, Mark Stanley, Ben Crompton, Yuriy Kolokolnikov, Josef Altin, Brenock O'Connor, Joseph Gatt, Neil Fingleton (plus)VOD (3)
Sur le Mur, Jon Snow et les hommes de la Garde de Nuit se préparent à relever un terrible défi. D'eux dépend le salut de Westeros, menacé par un danger inédit. Mais toutes les tentatives pour bloquer le Mur ont été rejetées. Pour le bâtard d'Eddard Stark vient le moment de prouver qu'il est un vrai chef... (Canal+)
Critiques (2)
I wish I had actually seen the battle. I get that only a madman would attack the Wall during daylight, but sometimes I got a bit lost in the darkness. And of course, there had to be a heart-wrenching scene with a dying character we were emotionally invested in. The fighting almost stops for a moment, just so the viewer can shed a tear. The creators sure know how to play that cliché. ()
A purely Nordic episode. The big-budget battle of the wall is awesome. ()
Photos (39)
Photo © Home Box Office (HBO)