Jon M. ChuPhotographie:
Reed SmootActeurs·trices:
Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Usher, Jaden Smith, L.A. Reid, Jeremy Marinas, Scooter Braun, Bruce Dale, Nathan Morris, Wanya Morris, Shawn Stockman (plus)VOD (3)
Ce film raconte l'histoire vraie de Justin Bieber, devenu le phénomène mondial que l'on connaît. Le public découvrira son incroyable parcours, de Stratford au Canada où il jouait dans la rue jusqu'à son concert à guichets fermés au Madison Square Garden. Découvrez cette fulgurante ascension et rentrez dans l'intimité de cette jeune star internationale. (Paramount Pictures FR)
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Critiques (1)
I wanted to find out whether Filmbooster has as many hypocrites as it seems from the comments and reviews, and probably it is so. J.B. is very far from my musical tastes, going to one of his shows would be as stimulating as listening to a mute singer, but I have to say that the kid is cool and knows how to sing. I’d rather go for a beer (or lemonade :-D) with him than with any tattooed, cool rocker on drugs. Never Say Never is a good documentary and J.B. is not a “twat”… but that’s something you can’t explain to some people. Thumbs up, it says more about the modern world than Michael Moore’s political manipulation; both directly (the sequences of the hysterical pre-teen fans) and indirectly (the reaction of the haters). ()