Andor LukátsScénario:
Andor LukátsPhotographie:
András JelesMusique:
Gyula CsapóActeurs·trices:
Péter Donáth, Miklós Erdély, Gábor Lukácsy, Miklós Székely B., Györgyi Kari, Mária Lukáts, Eszter Csákányi, Ágota Kevy, Tamás Andor, Tamás Karácsony, Imre Kamondi, István Sipos (plus)Résumés(1)
He starts going, carrying a dinner-can. His eyes are suddenly arrested by the breasts of the girl on the bicycle, riding towards him. Prompted by the strange movements of the girl as well as by seeing another girl in a wheel-chair, his imagination starts working. In his dream, as he follows a young woman dressed in white, he comes to a tunnel. On its wall, which is full of candles, he reads the sign, "Memories Prohibited". Yet he is still able to enter the Tunnel of Memories. He there encounters a cultic community, whose members in their rituals offer God the individuality of Man's memory. Their leader calls the dead back to life again with the help of the blood of memory. The man also recognises his lover in the crowd, then a glimpse of their wedding photograph is seen. The images of the Collective Unconscious continue to flow out: soldiers, wild hounds, heads of divers surfacing from the water, a baloon, young lovers in an embrace, - and a machine-gun is fired. He regains consciousness hearing the chiming of church-bells. Meanwhile, he arrived at the station. He and his son, who is serving as a pioneer at the children's railway, enthusiastically sniff into the dinner-can. (texte officiel du distributeur)
Miklós Erdély
Royaume de Hongrie
Meilleurs films :
Narcisse et Psyché (1980)
Miklós Székely B.
Meilleurs films :
Le Tango de Satan (1994)
Crépuscule (1990)
Damnation (1988)
Györgyi Kari
Meilleurs films :
6:3, avagy játszd újra, Tutti! (1999)
Te rongyos élet (1984)
Magyar szépség (2003)
Eszter Csákányi
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Kopaszkutya (1981)
Bűvös vadász (1994)
Utóélet (2014)
Tamás Andor
Royaume de Hongrie
Meilleurs films :
Magyar vándor (2004)
Egy hét Pesten és Budán (2003)
Régi idők focija (1973)
Tamás Karácsony
Meilleurs films :
Pleasant Days (2002)
Imre Kamondi
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Nous ne mourrons jamais (1993)
István Sipos
Royaume de Hongrie
Meilleurs films :
Jadviga párnája (2000)
Gyula Kisvárday
Meilleurs films :
Nous ne mourrons jamais (1993)
János Ács
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Hanussen (1988)
Macbeth (1983) (téléfilm)
Régi idők focija (1973)
Ágnes Kamondy
Meilleurs films :
Les Harmonies Werckmeister (2000)
Allegro barbaro (1979)
Magyar rapszódia (1979)