Fien TrochScénario:
Fien TrochPhotographie:
Frank van den EedenMusique:
Johnny JewelActeurs·trices:
Sebastian Van Dun, Lena Suijkerbuijk, Loïc Bellemans, Jeroen Perceval, Kevin Janssens, Els Deceukelier, Natali Broods, Tom Audenaert (plus)Résumés(1)
Kevin, 17 ans, sort de prison. Pour prendre un nouveau départ, il s'installe chez sa tante et se lie d'amitié avec son cousin et ses amis. Ce nouvel équilibre le sauvera-t-il de la délinquance ? Confiance, complicité et trahison se succèdent jusqu'à ce qu'un évènement inattendu bouleverse à jamais le quotidien de ces adolescents. (JHR Films)
(plus)Vidéo (1)
Critiques (1)
Fien Troch is said to be an acclaimed Belgian filmmaker. Personally, I have to say that it’s pretty obvious in this film, even though it’s my first encounter with her. Already at the first glance, everything looks very cinematic. The film is shot in a very sophisticated fashion (for example including mobile phone shots), capturing the clash of two generations unable to understand each other. What I appreciate about the story is the harshness, emotionless emptiness and brutality that are conveyed not only by the individual scenes but in general by the approach of those youngsters that deserve some proper smacking to wake up. But that will never happen to them as the story is set in the West, namely Belgium. ()