
Contraint de relaxer plusieurs criminels dangereux, le juge Steve Hardin (Michael Douglas) est poussé à bout par l’impuissance de la justice. Il découvre alors l’existence d’un tribunal secret regroupant des confrères influents, déterminés à prononcer et faire exécuter les peines capitales pour ces coupables qui ont échappé au système. Cet idéaliste se retrouve face à un véritable cas de conscience… (Arcadès)


Critiques (1)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Justice. Law. Emotion. The first is blind, the second closes the eyes of the first, and the third brings about blindness. Ophthalmological issues entering a judge's decision-making can be resolved by taking the first into your own hands, breaking the second, and freeing yourself from the third. Peter Hyams may not be an exceptional director, but the combination of the first half, which plays on emotions with towering injustice, and the second half, where the worm of doubt begins its slow gnawing activity, worked quite well. The final fifteen minutes devolve into a classic action B-movie, yet I didn’t have a major issue with that profile. P.S.: The very last scene nicely left the door ajar for further interpretation. Perhaps one where the tenacious Black detective unexpectedly pulls out a revolver and with one shot towards the passenger, demonstrates whose name is on the payroll. ()

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