Milan CieslarScénario:
Jaroslav SauerPhotographie:
Jiří MarkvartActeurs·trices:
Anna Polívková, Anita Krausová, Kateřina Klausová, Jitka Sedláčková, Oldřich Navrátil, David Gránský, Karel Zima, Martin Siničák, Jan Révai (plus)Résumés(1)
Three sisters, Eliška, Katka and Magda, set out for a girls’ weekend in the mountains. They plan to relax, party and flirt a little on the slopes of the popular ski resort at Špindlerův Mlýn. Katka and Magda yearn for a substantial dose of romance: both of them are over thirty and still single. (Finále Plzeň)
Vidéo (2)
Critiques (4)
Un petit film facile et peinard pour l’hiver. Je n’en attendais rien de plus que du divertissement de base pendant mon trajet en train et ne suis par conséquent pas déçu. Si, par contre, j’avais été d’humeur contrariante, j’aurais pu trouver des dizaines de choses qui auraient pu me déplaire. Toujours est-il que, dans mon cas, Špindl a atteint son but. ()
What can I say? Just bad. I expect a comedy to make me laugh. This forced attempt at a comedy failed to do so even once. Oldřich Navrátil has been on his way to damnation for quite some time and this was just another proof of that. The story was about nothing, the acting was lousy and my impression is that the film was made just to provide exposure for all those who are worried that the tabloids aren’t paying them enough attention. ()
It's difficult when it comes to Cieslar. He has good films from the war, while everything else is weak to terrible. But considering that he left the second Spindl to someone else, I can only hope that he will find his lost level in the next decade. The truth is that it is not possible to repeatedly make such bad-useless-typical-bohemian nonsense indefinitely. Of course, a romantic comedy can take place in the mountains, but it also needs someone to keep an eye on it to make sure that it holds together at least a little bit and isn't just a show of awkwardness. ()
The very pleasant mountain setting where most of the action takes place is probably the only thing I really liked about this sexist tale. And to make matters worse, apart from the main heroine played by Anna Polívková, the cast did not impress me at all. (25%) ()