Gérard CalviSzereplők:
Roger Carel, Pierre Tornade, Henri Labussière, Henri Poirier, Pierre Tchernia, Henri Virlogeux, Odette Laure, Alice Sapritch, Nicole Vervil (több)Streaming (1)
Krisztus előtt ötvenben Galliát áthatolhatatlan erdőségek uralták, melyekben fenséges csend honolt. Julius Cézárnak, kemény harcok árán ugyan, de sikerült meghódítania Galliát, hogy rányomja a római civilizáció diadalmas bélyegét. Ám egyetlen kis falucska még mindig bevehetetlenül tartja magát. Julius Caesar attól tart, hogy soha nem tudja uralma alá hajtani a hajthatatlan falucskát, ezért üzletet ajánl Asterixnek és barátainak: ha kiállnak 12 általa kitalált próbát, Caesar átadja nekik a Római Birodalmat. Ha viszont elbuknak a próbán, ők hódolnak be a Birodalomnak. (Film+)
(több)Recenziók (6)
I still can't decide whether I like 12 Tasks or Asterix in Britain more, but I would say that this episode is maybe a tiny bit lower for me. It's still hilarious though. I think that the era of Asterix may be the funniest animated series that could ever be created abroad for children. But the good thing about it is also that not only a child will enjoy it, but also one hundred percent an adult, because they will understand several historical references that children cannot yet appreciate. ()
One of the greatest legends of animation, it has the rare quality of finding something new and even funnier with each viewing. I confess that whenever I have my moment and start quoting movie catchphrases to my friends over a beer, sooner or later, I always end up with the 12 tasks: the Island of Delights, where they have no boars; the enchanter; the one Asterix turns into a wild boar; the monster that tasted good...... It's too much, genius is synonymous with the name of this smart gem. 100% ()
The only Asterix movie that isn’t even a loose adaptation of any of the Asterix comic books is paradoxically almost the best of them all (apart from Asterix versus Caesar). While the downfall of the other Asterix movies is the unsuccessful transfer of the intelligent but universally comprehensible humor of the books, here the creators managed to think up absolutely insane tasks performable only by gods and maintain the spirit of the adventures from the comic books. ()
Definitely my favorite film in the whole series. It's just ingrained in my head and I must have seen it many times. It's a beautiful critique of society, especially bureaucracy, with the scene featuring the A38 pass being simply unforgettable. Both characters are entertaining, but once you see some of their early films, you start to feel that both characters are a bit stale. ()
Incredibly overrated. It can make you laugh, but it’s nothing exceptional overall. The only part when I laughed out loud was when they were asking for an A38 form. Other than that, the remaining tasks have essentially the same course and the story itself feels like a loop that stops begin fun after a couple of turns. Fortunately, the film is not too long to get you tired, but two more tasks would have been unbearable. 65% ()
Galéria (20)
Photo © Lea Films