Stephen HerekForgatókönyvíró:
Carrie FreedleOperatőr:
Michael SwanZeneszerző:
Jessica WeissSzereplők:
Victoria Justice, Midori Francis, Adam Garcia, Timothy Renouf, Kiroshan Naidoo, Robyn Scott, Gloria Garcia, Myfanwy Waring, Spencer SutherlandStreaming (1)
Cassie imád bulizni... amíg meg nem hal egy furcsa balesetben. Most kénytelen jóvá tenni földi ballépéseit, hogy kiérdemelje angyalszárnyait. (Netflix)
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Recenziók (1)
I wasn't really in the mood for anything complicated, so Afterlife of the Party caught my eye with its premise, but lost me almost immediately — and it didn’t get any better as it went on. The beginning was an absolute train wreck, the kind of thing that makes you want to send every young American off to some remote Canadian wilderness just for some peace and quiet. Sure, there’s a plot twist that shifts the story a bit, but it’s not enough to save the overall experience. It’s really not great — a film made for today’s youth who roll in after a night out, crash on the couch, and just need something mindless playing on the TV. ()