Bob LoganForgatókönyvíró:
Bob LoganOperatőr:
Michael D. MarguliesZeneszerző:
Charles FoxSzereplők:
Linda Blair, Ned Beatty, Leslie Nielsen, Anthony Starke, Thom Sharp, Lana Schwab, John Ingle, Willie Garson, Ian Abercrombie, Sheryl Bernstein (több)Tartalmak(1)
Az ördögűző című horrorfilm paródiája Leslie Nielsen és Linda Blair főszereplésével. Nancy Agler-nek ördöge van, a szó legszorosabb értelmében. A gonosz pedig szeretné átvenni a hatalmat a teste felett. Hamarosan megérkezik két pap, Jebedaiah Mayii és Luke Brophy atya, hogy mint szakavatott ördögűzők megszabadítsák Nancy-t a sátán befolyásától. (Mozi+)
(több)Recenziók (2)
What an excellent day for a parody... Linda Blair is once again exercising her neck, and her stomach is churning up pea soup, but if Leslie Nielsen is present, there's no need to worry. More than Friedkin's classic, it’s televangelism that takes the hit. At times, it grates with its awkwardness, and some moments completely miss the mark with viewer without knowledge of the pop culture or American history of the time (like Ted Kennedy). It’s important to enjoy the little things, like the doorbell that sounds like knocking, the gym scene accompanied by Technotronic, a lunchbox featuring John Rambo, or the variation on Oldfield’s iconic tunes from the days when priests gave cab drivers reasonable tips. ()
I like Leslie Nielsen a lot, but if the actor isn't having fun, neither will the viewer, which is perfectly true in this film. The individual scenes are simply not funny, and you will feel awkward simply because you have to watch something like this at all. As a parody of The Exorcist, it's sad. ()
Galéria (46)
Photo © New Line Cinema