Nick CassavetesForgatókönyvíró:
Jeremy LevenOperatőr:
Robert FraisseZeneszerző:
Aaron ZigmanSzereplők:
Rachel McAdams, Ryan Gosling, Gena Rowlands, James Garner, Joan Allen, James Marsden, Kevin Connolly, Sam Shepard, Paul Johansson, Obba Babatundé (több)Streaming (4)
Allie és Noah tizenévesek voltak, amikor találkoztak, az első pillanattól kezdve rokonszenveztek egymással. Kibontakozó szerelmük hamar beteljesedik. A lány gazdag szülei azonban ellenzik kapcsolatukat, így a két fiatal útja elválik egymástól. Amikor néhány esztendővel később újra találkoznak, a szerelmük újjáéled, és Allie-nek hamarosan választania kell társa és társadalmi rangja között. Történetüket, melynek fontos jelentősége van számára, egy idős úr olvassa fel újra és újra egy hasonló korú hölgynek. Nicholas Sparks bestsellerének filmváltozata. (HBO Europe)
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Recenziók (8)
Egy nem eredeti, de hibátlanul megfilmesített egyszerű történet hatalmas szívvel. Galaktikus méretű romantikus limonádé, amely az utolsó 15 percig méltóságteljesen tartja magát az olcsó érzelgősség szintje felett. Lassú tempó, költői szélesvásznú kamera, korrekt színészek (különösen Ryan Gosling), szép zongoratéma. Azoknak, akik hisznek abban, hogy az egy ember iránti szerelem egy életen át is tarthat. Cinikus realistáknak nem való. ()
John Cassavetes has a captivating sense of timing for scenes and sequences of dialogue, absorbing, expressive, mindful, and pleasantly old-fashioned. Perhaps a bit more idealistic and dreamy than life itself, but why not close your eyes and let yourself be carried away on a wave of phenomenal romance that you also want to experience in life. ()
Once again, I had no clue that this movie existed, even though it features two of my favorite actors – Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling – as a couple. But when it comes to the movie itself, it’s soaking wet with romance. But it’s so nice, pleasant, honest and even a bit dreamy at times that I couldn’t rate it lower than four stars. The way it’s told, the way it pulls the wool from my eyes in the middle of the movie and the way it all flows is just worth a good cry once in a while. And this movie provided just that. ()
You gotta go with your heart. And my beloved genre of bittersweet romance has offered me its precious gem at a time long before there were references to The Notebook popping up in every other TV show, at time when the audience didn't know what they were in for. HE was an honest, appealing guy from poor circumstances, SHE was a trifle too mischievous yet sincere beauty from rich circumstances. And under extremely unfavorable conditions, a huge love was born. In other words, there are simply screenings that you can never forgotten, so even ten years after I first opened this notebook, I vividly remember how the film affected me. It was not about twists, reveals, or surprises. The power was in the touching scenes, the captivating cinematography, and the passionately attractive main couple. And that's why I will always stand by the fact that for hopeless romantics, this is an absolute must. ()
The red library is a shame, but it still has something. And that is mainly because the famous chemistry between McAdams and Gosling works brilliantly, because it was simply real at that time. But what next, the story is quite predictable and it's all so superficial. And if nothing else, I admire Nick Cassavetes for being able to turn such a clichéd topic into a watchable affair, which will surely find its fans...74% ()