Ric Roman WaughForgatókönyvíró:
Mitchell LaFortuneOperatőr:
David BuckleySzereplők:
Gerard Butler, Bahador Foladi, Travis Fimmel, Olivia-Mai Barrett, Nina Toussaint-White, Rebecca Calder, Vassilis Koukalani, Hakeem Jomah (több)Tartalmak(1)
Röviddel azután, hogy szabotázsakciót hajt végre egy iráni nukleáris reaktoron, Tom Harris CIA-ügynök fotója felbukkan a híradásokban - köszönhetően egy informátornak, aki leleplezi az amerikai hírszerzés érintettségét az erőmű megsemmisülésében. Az információt közzétevő riportert őrizetbe veszi az iráni Forradalmi Gárda, s Tomnak innentől kezdve 30 órája marad, hogy elérje a kandahári leszállóhelyet Afganisztánban. Hogy eljusson odáig, s közben leszereljen mindenkit, aki megkísérli elfogni vagy megölni, a férfi segítséget kap egy afgán tolmács, Mo személyében. Mo fiát a tálibok gyilkolták meg, megveti a vérontást, a háború szűnni nem akarásáért pedig a helyi hadurakat és a nyugati hatalmakat okolja. Miközben különféle erők a nyomukban loholnak, köztük a pakisztáni bérgyilkos, Kahil is, Tom és Mo erejüket egyesítve veszik az irányt Kandahár felé. (Fórum Hungary)
(több)Videók (5)
Recenziók (3)
We're apparently returning to the phenomenon of two identical movies in one year. A few months ago, Covenant by Guy Ritchie showed up here, which actually had the same theme about American unit translators on enemy territory. Kandahar has its moments when (thanks to the music as well) it can hit the right note, but there are also occasionally moments of a more boring nature that unpleasantly stretch the runtime. The constant duo Ric Roman Waugh and Gerard Butler are still worth watching, and I was pleasantly surprised by the presence of Travis Fimmel, whom I hadn't seen in a movie for a long time. A decent sixty. ()
When Gerard Butler emergency-landed a Boeing in the Philippines last time, I thought he was stepping up his game with better roles. However, in Kandahar, he's back to his less impressive parts. Admittedly, the film wasn't terrible, and my one-star rating might not be entirely fair, but I'm all about the subjective take. Despite plenty of action, I felt no real tension or concern for the main characters' fates. The story just didn't grab me, and I couldn't care less about any of the characters. Being an American production, it was loaded with fake introspection and even suggested that if Muslims read the Quran, maybe fewer would become terrorists (?!!!?). The film also hammered in the obligatory family values and drowned the whole package in a hefty dose of sentimentality. It just wasn't for me. / Lesson learned: Melting down nuclear reactors seems extremely unecological. ()
I just love these Butler flicks. They are all pretty much the same, I sit glued to my seat at every one of them and watch the action with my mouth open, and how the guy does it is a mystery to me. Anyway, Kandahar is action-packed, this time in Afghanistan, where just about everyone who can hold a gun is after Butler, and so cars, motorcycles, ISIS, government troops, they all want him dead from all sides. It's not quite as intense as his other films, and it drags a bit towards the end, but a positive sense of satisfaction still prevails. The action is good, the cinematography and the desert scenery are a treat and the helicopter chase scene is a great highlight of the whole film. If you enjoyed his previous films Plane, Last Seen Alive or the whole London Has Fallen series, I warmly recommend Kandahar as well. ()