Lorna Doone


This adaptation of the R.D. Blackmore novel won acclaim for Madge Bellamy, and helped bring her stardom. Sir Charles Ensor (Frank Keenan), leader of the Doones, a notorious gang of bandits, adopts and raises Lorna (Bellamy) as his own. Growing up along with her was John Ridd (John Bowers), and he promises to help her if she ever finds herself in trouble. And Lorna winds up needing his help badly after the death of Sir Ensor. Carver Doone (Donald MacDonald) tries to force her into marriage, and she is saved from this fate by Ridd. She then takes her rightful place at court, and Ridd follows. Anarchists attack during the christening of the King's baby, and Ridd is responsible for saving the infant's life. In spite of this heroic act, he returns home. Lorna renounces her station to marry him, but at the wedding, Doone shoots her. Ridd and the townsfolk wipe out the rest of the Doone clan. Ridd returns home and happily discovers that Lorna, who he thought was dead, has actually survived. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)
