Dennis DuganOperatőr:
Arthur AlbertZeneszerző:
Mark MothersbaughSzereplők:
Adam Sandler, Christopher McDonald, Julie Bowen, Carl Weathers, Allen Covert, Robert Smigel, Richard Kiel, Bob Barker, Dennis Dugan, Joe Flaherty (több)Streaming (3)
Happy Gilmore világéletében profi hokis szeretett volna lenni, ám nem tud egyebet, mint nagyot ütni, rondán beszélni és kiválóan bunyózni. Miután sokadszorra rúgják ki a válogatásról, ráadásul a nagyitól is elvették a házat, Happy – hogy összegyűjtse a pénzt a nagyinak – golfosnak áll. Hamarosan pedig hatalmas sikert arat a közönség soraiban négyszáz méterre elütött labdáival és képernyőt nem tűrő stílusával. Ezzel azonban magára vonja Shooter McGavin haragját, aki a golfbajnokság aranyzakójára pályázik… (Mozi+)
(több)Recenziók (3)
Finally, Adam Sandler takes his career in the right direction with a comedy that is like a dream. His Happy Gilmore is a perfectly written character who always has a sharp word at hand and doesn't hesitate to settle scores even with a killer crocodile, but we also root for him in his important mission to win money for her indebted and unhappy grandmother, bullied in a nursing home by a ruthless Ben Stiller. And to make matters more interesting, Gilmore happens to have the strongest swing of any professional player, which can get him very high, as long as he doesn't curse at a bad shot and beat his club angrily on the ground. You simply won’t get bored with something like this, I can promise you that... ()
When I first saw this film with Adam Sandler, I knew that man would be my blood type. Even though there are films from him that I really don't like, I usually enjoy them and laugh along with him. I'm glad for that. Happy Gilmore is such a classic character of his, a rough bundle of energy that you just have to love. For me, it's an excellent film about an outsider with great moments. ()
Golf as a snobby sport? That’s old news. But Adam Sandler took that and flipped it into something no one else dared to—he made it hilarious. With his character, Happy Gilmore, and an unforgettable (though far too brief) cameo from Ben Stiller, who I’d love to see paired with Sandler again, this film became one of my all-time favorite comedies. It’s the kind of movie I’ll reach for whenever I need a serious mood boost. ()
Galéria (16)
Photo © Universal Pictures