
Hol volt, hol nem volt, egy messzi mocsárban, meghitt magányban élt egyszer egy morcos ogre, akit Shreknek hívtak. Ám a zöld szörny nyugalmát és életét egy napon fenekestül felbolygatta egy különös esemény: mesebeli lények lepték el a mocsarat - és lepték meg gyanútlan hősünket. A három vak egér futkározott a vacsoráján, a nagy, gonosz farkas feküdt az ágyában, a hét törpe Hófehérke koporsóját tette az asztalára, kunyhója előtt pedig ott nyüzsgött a három hajléktalan kismalac, és mindenféle más varázslatos figurák, akiket a gonosz Farquaad nagyúr űzött el otthonukból. Shrek tehát elment a nagyúrhoz, hogy visszakövetelje mocsarát, de ehhez előbb meg kell mentenie a szörnyű tűzokádó sárkány karmaiból Fiona királylányt, hogy Farquaad feleségül vehesse, és így király lehessen... A nagy kalandban társa is akad az ogrének: a szószátyár Szamár, aki bármit megtenne Shrekért, egy valamit kivéve: a világ minden kincséért sem hajlandó befogni a száját. Hamarosan kiderül, hogy a sárkánynál sokkal nagyobb problémát jelent Fiona különös titka... (UIP-Duna Film)


Videók (1)


Recenziók (10)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I love Shrek, not only his first adventure, which I saw twenty times when I was a kid, but especially the character of the green, good-hearted monster that is not handsome, takes mud baths and lives in a quite remote corner of the world, but has enormous charisma and perhaps immeasurable audience potential. But the same can be said of Murphy's Donkey, who’s now known to perhaps every civilized child on the planet. Shrek is, in my opinion, an animated film that was perhaps even more ahead of its time than the famous Toy Story and which proved in a groundbreaking way that even a fantasy film made entirely with computer technology can have a great deal of humanity and an original story that can be enjoyed with equal intensity by adults and young children. I see the rating exactly between four and five stars, but since I have other favourites in the animation field in terms of entertainment, and I liked the second part maybe even a bit more, I have to be the villain this time :) ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I cleared another movie debt and I'm more than happy about it. Absolute relaxation and I finally saw the story of Princess Fiona. I had this name reserved for my daughter's name, but everyone around me discouraged me precisely because of Shrek. I don't think it's that horrible. I look forward to watching the whole series. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Even though more than twenty years have passed since the premiere of the first Shrek, this tale of a good ogre still has a lot to offer. The animation may not look as "smooth" compared to today's genre films, but Shrek makes up for it with lovable characters, timeless humour and plenty of pop culture references. Apart from the humorous line, which is mainly provided by the verbose Donkey, the film also impresses with action-adventure and romantic scenes, which can make the viewer tense and move even on repeated viewings. And as is often the case with children's films, Shrek offers a timeless lesson: "Don't judge a book by its cover." ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol After many years, it's still an animation film that entertains just as well. Although I slightly prefer the sequel, I am always happy to watch the first movie whenever it's on TV. The initially unsympathetic and eccentric green villain immediately engraves himself indelibly in our memories, entertaining us throughout the classic half-hour runtime with his witticisms and skirmishes with the donkey. And what is another great weapon of Shrek? Of course, the soundtrack that popularized and reminded us of so many already quite popular songs, thus setting the stage for the perfect blend of adventure from classic fairy tales and the newly created ogre mythology... 90% ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A revelation in the world of animated film, a movie that intentionally shattered the established conventions in animated filmmaking and unequivocally went against the tide in its first installment. Its creation was indeed indebted to the competitive battle between studios, as it was a merciless, parodic attack on the saccharine, stereotypes, and mediocrity of Disney's studio. The majority of those who created Shrek had previously worked for Disney, so they knew perfectly well what they were mocking. Well, opportunism sometimes pays off... Great jokes, excellent screenplay, catchy music, and a likable hero complemented by an eager helper. At the Karlovy Vary festival, the film thrilled its audience back in the day. A movie for all generations, overall impression: 100%. ()

Galéria (86)

Kapcsolódó hírek

Megvan az ötödik Shrek premier időpontja

Megvan az ötödik Shrek premier időpontja


A Shrek meglehetősen előkelő helyet foglal el a népszerű animációs filmek között. Bár a mesesorozat első részének bemutatója óta több mint 25 év telt el, a hős még mindig él, és tagadhatatlanul… (több)

Az ötödik Shrek szabad utat kapott

Az ötödik Shrek szabad utat kapott


Nehéz elhinni, hogy több mint húsz év telt el az első Shrek-film premierje óta. A közkedvelt filmszéria utolsó filmje pedig 2010-ben érkezett a mozikba, de már akkor is úgy tűnt, hogy a koncepciót a… (több)