A szépség és a szörnyeteg

  • Egyesült Államok Beauty and the Beast
Előzetes 1

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Minden idők egyik legnépszerűbb és legkeresettebb animációs filmje biztosan elvarázsolja minden nézőjét! Költözz be te is a szép Belle-lel a kastélyba, melynek ura a rejtélyes, szörnyeteggé lett herceg. A kastély elvarázsolt tárgyainak segítségével Belle hamar megtanulja élete legfontosabb leckéjét: az igazi szépség belülről fakad. (Pro Video Film)


Videók (21)

Előzetes 1

Recenziók (6)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol An immortal romantic musical from an era when classic musicals were on life support. Thanks to the epic directing and richness of the colours, Beauty and the Beast is a spectacle that is capable of thrilling viewers of both genders and all age categories (the musical, romantic and horror scenes are directed with the same degree of professionalism and seriousness as in high-quality live-action films of those same genres). It is as invaluable for explaining the concept of “love” to children as The Lion King is for explaining the cycle of life (and why members of one’s family are sometimes the biggest beasts). At the same time, the comprehensible story with a clear concept can serve as an impetus for a more or less serious debate on gender stereotypes (boys as animals whom only a woman, a fragile beauty, can lead to a civilised life). Beauty and the Beast is one of those later Disney movies than can with a straight face be compared to the studio’s peak works. 85% ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Truly one of the best Disney movies of all time. Maybe even this movie will be great, Disney can now also handle live-action versions, like the Cinderella from the year before last. This subject deserves it, along with the magnificent animation, it has not aged a minute. 8/10 ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Oh yeah. I am romantic by nature and this fairytale about the Beauty and the Beast is perfect for me. The things that come to life are cute and unbelievably nice (Chip the cup was my outright favorite :). The music in Disney movies tends to be excellent and this is doubly true with Beauty and the Beast, here the music is magical. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol 30th full-length Disney film The classic French material inspired Disney in the 1930s, but the final premiere came many years after his death. The universal story somewhere at the beginning apparently drew from the real life of Petrus Gonsalvus (1537-1618), who suffered from hypertrichosis, as the desire of many playwrights to express their own ideas through "beauty" and "beast" had been erupting since the 18th century. Therefore, it is perhaps impossible to be angry at this animated film, because none of the stories told around the world can be determined as original. From a basic perspective, Beauty and the Beast is one of the greatest successes of the Disney Renaissance era, which spawned a trilogy of sequels and one live-action remake. In hindsight, it became the home of one of Disney's most beloved princesses, Belle, and an excellent soundtrack by Alan Menken, thanks to which Angela Lansbury added a teapot song to her immortal portfolio. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol When Disney arrived in the 1930s with his team and the first animated feature film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, it was innovative, precise, daring for its time, and simply unique. However, it soon became a template that greatly influenced and simplified animated production due to its commercial success. Dozens of other films were created following the same pattern, characterized by oversweetness, catchy songs, the same artistic techniques, and similar scripts that typically drew from proven fairy tale classics. Exactly the same can be said about the adaptation of the classic French fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast." This version is almost unbearable for me. I understand that it is appealing and collects points wherever possible, but for me, this film is an example of the decline of animated film trapped in audience expectations and financial calculations. Overall impression: 25%. By the way, even my children didn't enjoy this film and simply couldn't finish watching it. ()

Galéria (64)