
Pierre (Nicolas Duvauchelle) drogot árul, elkapják, börtönbe kerül. Itt megismerkedik Al Baraddal (Simon Abkarian), aki megismerteti a Koránnal és a szent háborúval. Pierre szabadulása után olyan terrorista lesz, akinek feladata öngyilkos merényletet elkövetni Párizsban. Ugyanekkor Alex, a titkosszolgálat ügynöke (Gérard Lanvin), némi csellel beszervezi ügynöknek Diane-t (Vahina Giocante), aki egyetemi tanulmányait prostitúcióból fizeti. A sors úgy hozza, hogy a merénylet napján Diane és Pierre találkoznak. (RTL Gold)


Recenziók (2)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I agree with user krusty2. Secret défense caught me much more than worldwide chases of Jason Bourne. I especially enjoyed the excellent casting, charming and charismatic Gérard Lanvin, versatile Simon Abkarian, funny Nicholas DuVauchelle and when I see Vahina-vaginu somewhere, I laugh. I just missed what she showed in two movies - foot massage, this time she went even further with that massage :-) I wish her finally a proper role. The biggest plus lies in the main idea of the whole film - secret services in their methods and use of people are no better than terrorists. In short, a highly quality and interesting action thriller. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol This film belongs to the category where the less willing you are to think about the logic of events and the thought processes of the characters, the more you will like it. The visual aspects and directorial execution, handling of action scenes, and directing of actors are really on point. The casting worked great, so I have no objections in that regard. On the other hand, the script is one of those where the screenwriter searched for impressive twists for so long, that he completely lost himself in the intricacies of the spy service and its adversaries. Secrets of State thematically slightly resembles Besson's La Femme Nikita, where a girl becomes a war machine, and the former college student, who had a completely different idea of life, suddenly becomes a person without a past and living multiple lives at once. By the way, I liked Vahina Giocante more than Anne Parillaud in the past. Overall impression: 60%. ()


Galéria (49)