
Hogyan tud a Télapó egyetlen éjszaka alatt annyi gyerekszobába bejutni? Tökéletes, katonás szervezéssel, a terepen dolgozó manókkal, egy óriási, szuperszonikus szánnal és egy tökéletesen működő parancsnoki bázissal. Ám hiába segít a fejlett technológia, néha becsúszik egy kis hiba. Kétmilliárd gyerek rendben megkapja az ajándékot, egyetlen kislány viszont semmit nem talál a csizmájában. A Télapó elsőszülött fia, Steve ezt elfogadhatóan kis hibának találja, ám Steve öccse, Karácsony Artúr nem tud belenyugodni. Így a saját szakállára beindít egy akciót, amivel számtalan bajt, félreértés, és balesetet okoz. (InterCom)


Videók (6)

Előzetes 3

Recenziók (2)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Studio Aardman has really been on a roll lately. Its latest film The Pirates! was successful with both audiences and critics, and the same goes for this film, which once again demonstrated that it is still possible to make an interesting and funny Christmas movie. After the awful Easter debacle Hop, I was afraid of another holiday disaster, but the Aardman studio made it work. While I wasn't particularly impressed by Flushed Away, I genuinely enjoyed this one. Okay, I mostly enjoyed the first half, where you discover what the Aardman world is like and how gift-giving works. Santa has got the job down pretty well, so it’s not entirely hard work, but the best part is how well thought out everything is. While you're learning how Santa's world operates and what his family is like, it’s entertaining. However, then the main plot kicks in, which is the delivery of a gift to the one child who hasn’t been given anything. Well, modern technology doesn’t work perfectly even for Santa. The second half is stretched out with action that tries to hide the fact that the film is narratively empty. However, they make up for it with wonderfully voiced characters. Can you guess which character is voiced by Hugh "Dr. House" Laurie? ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A very original Christmas animated action film that is, or may in time be, much like Burton's pre-Christmas nightmare - it can be watched any time, winter or summer, and always entertains. The Aardman-esque poetics work as charmingly as in the legendary plasticine (or digital plasticine) stories, the idea that the Christmas gift-giving is one big military operation is not wrong, and the whole spy-parody vibe fits perfectly with the "power struggle" between Santa's two sons. I also have to praise Gregson-Williams' music, which made the first ride on the old sleigh into a spectacular experience, and of course the original English dubbing, which made me happy with the cute participation of Michael Palin. It was simply sensational and I am already looking forward to a trip to Trelew (I just don't know which one yet). ()


Galéria (78)