Alexis KourosZeneszerző:
Tuomas KantelinenSzereplők:
Seyyed Bozorg Mahmoody, Alice Sharif, Malek Sharif, Samira Sharif, Kari Tervo, Greg Teachout, William Vincent, Alan J. Stone, Betty Mahmoody, Patrick Reed Joslyn, Rebekah SundinTartalmak(1)
An American housewife, Betty Mahmoody, published a book titled Not Without My Daughter in the late 1980´s. In her book she gave an account of how she followed her Iranian husband, Dr. Bozorg Mahmoody, for a two-week holiday to Iran, but was eventually kept there against her will until 18 months later, she managed to escape taking their 5-year-old daughter with her over the mountains to Turkey and back to The United States. In 1991 a movie with the same title was released based on the Betty's book. This documentary tells the story of Dr. Bozorg Mahmoody, a man who has been a spectator to the Hollywood version of his life and is a father who has not been able to meet his daughter for 16 years. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)