Sidney GilliatForgatókönyvíró:
Sidney GilliatOperatőr:
Harry WaxmanZeneszerző:
Bernard HerrmannSzereplők:
Hayley Mills, Hywel Bennett, Britt Ekland, George Sanders, Lois Maxwell, David Bauer, Per Oscarsson, Leo Genn, Peter Bowles, Walter Gotell, Madge Ryan (több)Streaming (1)
Csinos fiatal nő, jóképű és gazdag férjjel - a turbékoló gerlepár megépíti álomházát a magányos, angliai tóparton, még a fösvény rokonok kíváncsi tekintetétől is távol. Méltán érdemli meg az idillikus történet a boldog befejezést, ám az utolsó filmtekercs mindent baljós, fojtó ködbe burkol, és végül megdöbbentő fordulattal rántja le a leplet a kegyetlen igazságról! (MTV)
(több)Recenziók (1)
Labeling this as a horror film feels like someone was indulging in some magic mushrooms (honestly, I can’t think of any other explanation), but despite that odd classification, the movie managed to leave a decent impression on me. It's definitely not for impatient viewers, as the pacing drags like a frozen snail through honey. But somehow, the thick, eerie atmosphere keeps you hooked. Since I wasn't in a rush and found the story intriguing, I actually enjoyed the slow burn over the hour and a half. The film is filled with some really unpleasant characters (though there are a few decent ones sprinkled in), and their presence adds to the tense, unsettling vibe that runs through the whole thing. It makes for an uncomfortable watch—in the best possible way. I was all in on the mood it created. / Lesson learned: How can you trust others when, at times, you can't even trust yourself? ()