Marek NajbrtOperatőr:
Miloslav HolmanZeneszerző:
Midi LidiSzereplők:
Pavel Liška, Tomáš Matonoha, Josef Polášek, Marek Daniel, Jan Budař, Jana Plodková, Lucie Benešová, Katarzyna Zawadzka, Krzysztof Czeczot (több)Tartalmak(1)
Négy öreg iskolatárs, mára jól ismert cseh színészek – Pavel, Tomas, Josef és Marek -–elhatározzák, hogy közösen készítenek egy filmet. Az ambiciózus kollégájuk Jan Budar elvállalja a rendezői feladatokat, míg a pénzügyi támogatás Lengyelországból érkezik. A kellemesnek ígérkező munka azonban hamarosan akadozni kezd. Josef katolikus hite, Marek hasonmása, Pavel kiejtési nehézségei és Tomas pénzügyi mahinációi miatt a forgatás a túlélésért vívott harccá fajul a Beszkidek-hegységben. (HBO Europe)
(több)Videók (1)
Recenziók (5)
Today I delved into reruns, so I revisited this almost ten-year-old matter as well. I had to subtract one star from the original four because the movie seemed somewhat uneven on the second try. Its first half seemed better and more entertaining to me, while I was occasionally bored during the second half. In the end, it turned out to be a peculiar madness that gradually lost its charm over time, and I can't shake the feeling that the creators harmed themselves in this case by overburning the running time. With some scene cuts and related shortening of the duration, that fourth star probably would have remained. However, I must underscore the character of Jana Plodková, the production manager; she managed to entertain me every single time. / Lesson: Beware of Havlát! ()
So they discovered Mimesis in Brno again? Congratulations. Or was it Krakow? P.S. At first I wanted to give one star for how bored I was, but in the end I vaguely remembered that it was quite nicely filmed. And that the joke with the niggers was nice and incorrect. And that the Polka was very searchable. ()
I didn’t understand this movie at all. A bunch of Czech actors... by the way, quite good Czech actors and actresses, however, turned out to be a great fit for its cast. There are allusions to them in the film, allusions to the whole Czech culture and allusions to the relations between Czechs and Poles, and it all works. At times I didn’t understand at all, but perhaps every time I thought that I forgot to laugh in sheer amazement, and then I laughed so hard that I almost choked. Because of this laughter, I ended up rating this film with four stars. I might be crazy, but I really liked this film, maybe because I simply couldn’t take my eyes off the screen. I thought that three would not be enough and it didn’t deserve any less for its craziness. Take the band Midi Lidi, for example, that did a great job, but I don’t doubt that they’re the same brand of artist weirdoes as the actors themselves. Polski film doesn’t have any significant value, even though it tries to look original, but it’s obvious that the creators were really enjoying themselves. They were having a riot, showed that they are good dramaturges, the audience shook their heads in bewilderment, choked on laughter over several jokes… and that’s about it. ()
No way. I don't resonate with the humor of these gentlemen, and I don't resonate with the concept of the whole movie either. I appreciate the effort to try something different, which we Czechs generally excel at, but this just isn't my cup of tea. I am also going to think about how innovative the guys were here and there because I didn't enjoy it and it didn't tell me anything. I found it extremely boring. ()
I fully agree with J*A*S*M’s review. ()