
Rontó Ralph nem elégedett saját sorsával játékában. Szeretné, ha őt is úgy körberajonganák, ahogy a játék Jófiúját, Fix-It Felixet. A probléma csak annyi, hogy a Rosszfiút senki sem szereti, ám a hősöket annál inkább így, amikor egy modern, fps videojáték érkezik, élén a kőkemény Calhoun őrmesterrel, Ralph meglátja a lehetőséget, amely talán a hősiességhez és a boldogsághoz vezet. Egy egyszerű terv kiötlésével besurran a játékba, de nevéhez méltón mindent elront: akaratlanul szabadon ereszt egy halálos ellenséget, amely a játékterem minden játékára veszélyt jelent. Ralph egyetlen reménye Vanellope von Schweetz, igazi bajkeverő figura egy cukormázas versenyzős játékból, aki talán meg is tanítja majd Ralph-nak, hogy mit jelent Jófiúnak lenni. Mielőtt az egész játékteremnek Game Over lenne, Ralph vajon rájön-e arra, hogy minden adottsága megvan ahhoz, hogy hős legyen? (Fórum Hungary)


Videók (45)

Előzetes 3

Recenziók (12)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Ralf is not for video games what Shrek was for fairytales or Galaxy Quest was for sci-fi series. Apart from an outstanding introduction and stylish closing credits, he doesn’t have that much in common with the 8 and 16 bit gaming culture. Which takes nothing away in terms of quality; even like this it’s a great, funny family animated movie which loses points only for its rather slow-moving middle part. Apart from Žilková’s midget-like kid’s voice, the dubbing was fine; someone did a really good job with the translation. P.S.: The pre-movie is better than the movie itself. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I haven't seen an animated film from Disney for a long time and I was really looking forward to it. Wreck-It Ralph is an original, packed with great ideas and entertaining movie for the whole family. Ralph himself is a giant, in the game he is a villain and lives on a dump; but what happens when he wants to change? In that regard, nothing new, of course we will have a Happy End again, but that's just how it goes with animated movies. The main thing is the idea. This Disney movie will entertain everyone....100% ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I would have liked to see the environments in which the film took place to be even more varied and the stay in the sugar world to be shorter. Otherwise, I am actually satisfied. A pleasant show for young and old with a number of really good scenes, which even moved me at one point, and with excellent animation and very stylish music. But you mustn't expect Wreck-It Ralph to be to video game fans what, for example, Who Framed Roger Rabbit is to cartoon fans. Unfortunately, that’s just not the case. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Wreck-It Ralph has a really imaginative premise and is wrapped in appealing visuals that are certainly not lacking in imagination. The film features a large number of characters, each of which is different and has something to offer. As far as the script is concerned, this is not your typical slick fairy tale, as evidenced by the vocabulary of little Vanellope, for example. In short, it's a nice animated diversion for a free afternoon, which doesn't lack action, wit, or a few words of life wisdom - what more could you ask for. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The 52nd Disney Feature Film I was quite worried about Wreck-It Ralph and how good it would be. But the people at Disney managed to combine the nostalgia for the childhood of today's thirty-somethings with the desires of today's children. Anyone who still remembers playing something decent in MS-DOS has nothing to worry about :) ()

Galéria (89)