
A sexually ambiguous Frenchman tours his native countryside with his naive American lover in pursuit of the ultimate thrill. From the moment they meet, brooding Chris (Pierre Perrier) and the beautiful Aurore (Lizzie Brochere) fall instantly and passionately in love but it's not long before their intense connection is consumed by Chris's dark obsession with gay men. Before long, the pair embarks on a violent and sexual journey filled with seduction and destruction of young gay hustlers. Hard-hitting, intensely sexy and wildly controversial, American Translation is a twisted Bonnie and Clyde for a new generation. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)


Recenziók (2)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Jean-Marc Barr is a typical face from von Trier's films and the protagonist of The Big Blue, and as such he has a lot to say and convey. I wouldn't say the same about his film American Translation. It is as if the message is sewn to the film with a hot needle. The entire film is bathed in unexciting nudity and drowned in adolescent feelings of desire. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol If this film didn't pretend to be something groundbreaking and grand, I'd give it even more credit, because as a story of modern, sexually troubled Bonnie and Clyde, it actually works quite well. But the script brings nothing new and the lengthiness with which everything is presented is not redeemed by the realism in the depiction of nudity. ()


Galéria (21)