Daniel CohenOperatőr:
Robert FraisseZeneszerző:
Nicola PiovaniSzereplők:
Jean Reno, Michaël Youn, Raphaëlle Agogué, Julien Boisselier, Salomé Stévenin, Pierre Vernier, Geneviève Casile, Serge Larivière, Issa Doumbia (több)Tartalmak(1)
Alexandre Lagarde, a veterán sztárséf komoly konfliktusba kerül Stanislas Matterrel, az étteremcsoport új vezetőjével. Matter arra készül, hogy lecseréli őt egy ifjú, modern séfre, aki a molekuláris gasztronómia megszállottja, mert az sokkal jövedelmezőbb. Első lépésként elkezdi kirúgni Lagarde csapatának tagjait. Ami még rosszabb, Lagarde kezd kifutni az ötletekből, pedig a legnevesebb étteremkalauz kritikusai bármelyik pillanatban feltűnhetnek tesztelni. Kétségbeesésében keresni kezd maga mellé valakit. Egy nap, mintha a szerencse vezérelné oda, találkozik Jackyvel, aki az haute cuisine megszállottja. A szakmát autodidakta módon elsajátító férfi rendkívül tehetséges, de makacs, mint egy öszvér. Daniel Cohen vígjátékában Jean Reno ölti magára a sztárséf gúnyáját. (Budapest Film)
(több)Videók (3)
Recenziók (4)
So it's official, I like movies about food and cooking. There's also the hope that Jean Reno will play something cool, which fortunately happened here. I enjoyed the movie, had a good laugh, and I've been convinced that I might try molecular gastronomy sometime, but it definitely won't be a lifelong love affair like with classic cuisine. ()
Old-fashioned easy fare that looks like it's been waiting thirty years in a drawer somewhere. It doesn't rely on surprise or originality, but the feel-good sensation of gastronomic super-experiences makes up for everything. Michaël Youn and Jean Reno were clearly made for each other. ()
The French version of Steve Martin lives out his culinary ambitions and, although you will like this warm comedy, in the end it leaves no special aftertaste that would make you watch it regularly. And since the three stars are Lagarde’s dream, I don’t have the heart not to give them to him... And also because Ratatouille did the same better and more gracefully. ()
Cooking and movies, that's an amazing combination for me that always pleases me. Movies with cooking themes and chasing stars all have the same template, very similar scripts, and a number of clichés, but I still enjoy them. And in this case, I had a great time, I laughed and cried, and I'm somehow soft-hearted. Excellent entertainment, the central duo is spot on, Julien Boisselier is perfectly slimy, and the beautiful Frenchwomen in supporting roles bring that right French spirit. Where else should cooking movies be made than in France or Spain. Next time, San Sebastian please! ()