
A tizenhét éves Isabelle (Marine Vacth) – akinek egy évét mutatja be a film – egy tökéletes, de legalábbis teljesen átlagos család tagja. Szülei és testvére szeretik őt, mindegyikükkel jó a kapcsolata, minden anyagi és lelki támogatást megadnak neki, amire szüksége van. Szüzessége nyaralás során való elvesztése után mégis úgy dönt, testével fog pénzt keresni. Francois Ozon filmje egy fiatal lány portréja, négy évszakban és négy dalban. Az első szexuális ébredésétől a szerelem megismerésén át egészen önmaga megtalálásáig. (ADS Service)


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az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar A néző ártalmatlan csiklandozása örökké hálás témával. Ozone megérti a nőket. És jobban szereti őket, mint Triert. Itt egy érzelmi filmet forgatott le egy tizenhét éves lányról, akit megrészegítettek a felnőttkor első érintései. Egy tizenhét éves lányról, aki kíváncsi volt arra, milyenek lesznek azok a férfiak, akik a testéért rendelték őt, milyen lesz velük a szállodai szobák sötétjében vagy az autó bőrüléseinek illata mellett. Charlotte Rampling szavaival élve, mindenki kipróbálná, ha lenne hozzá bátorsága. Nem kevés önbecsülése, hanem bátorsága... A film egyetlen érzelmes jelenete egy vita síró anyával: "Összetörted a szívem!" ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol My beloved François Ozon has delighted me once again and hit my melancholic mood perfectly, because Young & Beautiful is a film absolutely shrouded in melancholy and brooding. That's why he yet again could choose no other for the background music but Francoise Hardy and her intimate songs. Many of the scenes would have worked well as paintings capturing the ephemeral beauty of the moment. Marine Vacth is really beautiful and her character exactly confirms the well-known and trite saying that beautiful women don't have it as easy in life as everyone around them thinks. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A plan that you either endorse or... Or not. The heroine/tramp who looks like a clone of Julia Roberts, only years younger, remains impenetrable, as far as her motives are concerned, for the entire picture, so it’s up to the viewer what they think of her. She is a mirror that says more about you than about her. Theoretically at least, if you play Ozon’s game. I played Ozon’s game, but didn’t finish it, because in the end it is less refined than I expected from him and it comes across more intentionally superficial than natural. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol You have to admit that Marine Vacth is charming and exudes a "decently provocative" sexuality, and she could instantly become one of the classic Bond girls from the past. Marine works as a model, as she knows how to pose and present herself well. Unlike other models, she is undoubtedly capable of delivering some acting performance, albeit limited. She simply doesn't look like the new Marion Cotillard. These types of girls are often heavily utilized in film in their youth and usually disappear from the screen at a certain age... As for the film itself - it is strange that I want to write again about Marine's sensuality... Ozon is undoubtedly a professional, but this film is not among his best pieces. It is unfinished, superficial, and psychologically implausible. A comparison with thematically related Belle de Jour by Buñuel logically suggests itself, but Buñuel clearly had something else in mind and his film was more thought-provoking, while Young & Beautiful perhaps only tempts masturbation... Ozon evidently aimed to provoke viewers with the theme of an underage prostitute from a respectable middle-class family. In France, as well as anywhere else in Western Europe, prostitution at a lower level is usually practiced by drug addicts and other "lowlifes," while at the higher level, it is composed of emigrants who cannot afford to lose their social prestige. A girl from a better family will damn well reconsider risking the loss of moral integrity, which could have a devastating impact on her professional career and current and future family. Isabelle doesn't offend me, but I also don't make excuses for her and her behavior, and I don't seek complex meanings where there most likely aren't any. Of course, you can endlessly debate the torn inner soul of a girl and talk about a deep dive into the female psyche, but I, on the other hand, see a bored Euro-brat, well materially provided for, who never knew real problems thanks to her family background, and consequently, responsibility... Considering Marine's physique, I remain at three stars, but without any enthusiasm. Overall impression: 50%. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol François Ozon can direct, there's no doubt about that, but I can't help feeling that despite the interesting theme, once again, it seems like it wasn't fully mastered. The film is quite enjoyable to watch; you can see that the creators have developed characters well. However, I also had the feeling that it was cold and detached and that the sex with those older guys still felt kind of glossy. ()

Galéria (53)