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Katharine Gun brit hírszerző feladata a minősített információk kezelése. 2003 egyik napján Gun egy emlékeztetőt kap az NSA-tól, amelyben az áll, hogy az Egyesült Államok a britek segítségével kompromittáló adatokat gyűjt az ENSZ Biztonsági Tanácsának tagjairól, hogy megzsarolják őket annak érdekében, szavazzanak az iraki invázió mellett. Gun nem tudja tétlenül nézni, hogy a világ egy törvénytelen háborúba indul, és kiszivárogtatja a levelet a sajtónak. Az ügy hatalmas politikai botrányt kavar. (HBO Europe)


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Recenziók (5)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol War and excuse have one thing in common - they are often built on lies. The film's structure is a drama that is very accessible to the audience, after which you will acknowledge that even with all its flaws, you can blow the whistle in democracy without the risk of accidentally falling out of a sixth-floor window. Whether we look at it from the perspective of moral principles or in broader contexts, Tony Blair is once again made to look like an idiot. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Another small big film that didn't get an Oscar nod and international fame just because a few years before the similarly conceived Spotlight did with an even juicier topic. The fact that most politicians lie, manipulate, and steal is such an unexplored and generic theme that it can easily earn minus film points even in such a very well staged procedural with GoT actors and a great Keira. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Film challenge in quarantine - favorite actresses, Keira Knightley. Keira looked somewhat pale, emaciated, and unattractive, which made her even more authentic. She played her character very precisely with a British accent, which is a million times better and prettier than the overly glamorous American English. The story is basically simple, but it still managed to captivate me, and I rooted for Keira until the very end. As part of my challenge, Keira moves to the top of the current ranking. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A well-crafted film about a case directly related to the 2003 invasion of Iraq by American and British troops. Keira Knightley gives a very convincing performance as the plucky spy Katharine Gun, giving a very convincing performance while looking physically and mentally very exhausted, which is necessary to portray this role. Also worth mentioning is the structurally unified musical score, which manages to maintain the dramatic tension practically throughout the entire film. (75%) ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Let me get this straight: the Russians are the bad guys and Western "democracies" are the good guys. And then someone decides to make this treacherous film that maliciously stabs all the declared unshakable values ​​ in the kidneys. The best approach is to keep relying on your common sense. The film didn't bring any great revelations. All the wars for freedom of the oppressed citizens fought from across the Atlantic look the same, have similar consequences, and whoever has a problem with them will be trampled underground. At least most of the time. But I'm glad the creators decided to draw attention to this issue with such a well-made film with a great cast, and I really enjoyed it. ()

Galéria (26)