Wise Blood

Egyesült Államok / Német Szövetségi Köztársaság, 1979, 108 perc (Alternatív 102 perc)


An unusual blend of absurd comedy and Gothic drama, this tale comes from the imagination of writer Flannery O'Connor. It focuses on a Hazel, a youthful veteran of the Second World War. Hazel returns to his Southern roots, only to find his parents' home boarded up. In search of spiritual meaning, he exchanges his soldier's uniform for preacher garb and heads for the city. There, this grandson of a boisterous zealot meets a variety of folk who gradually form a flock. These colorful types later exemplify spiritual beliefs that range from devout to obsessed. Or their religiosity might be an avenue for con artistry. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)


Recenziók (1)


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angol An insane comedy about some terrible bizarre developing country where everyone suffers from some form of mental retardation, but at least they all have suits and cars. Except that it's actually not supposed to be a comedy, hmm. Brad Dourif gives a performance practically ripped off of Rik Mayall for his character Rick in the series Young Ones. ()

Galéria (14)