Still holding a grudge against his wife's desertion 16 year old, ship captain John Nelson (Hobart Bosworth) is a tough and cruel boat master. His cruelty is manifested when one of his ship hands brings a lovely island dweller on board. Afraid for her life, she manages to escape just as a menacing storm is brewing. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)
Hobart Bosworth
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Legjobb filmek:
Behind the Door (1919)
A nagy parádé (1925)
Keresztes hadjárat (1935)
Bessie Love
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Türelmetlenség (1916)
Ragtime (1981)
I'll Never Forget What's'isname (1967)
Charles Clary
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Legjobb filmek:
The Penalty (1920)
Joan the Woman (1916)
Királyok királya (1927)
Jack Curtis
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Legjobb filmek:
Szökevény vagyok (1932)
Aranypolgár (1941)
Ez történt egy éjszaka (1934)
Emory Johnson
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Legjobb filmek:
Romance on the High Seas (1948)