47 méter mélyen

  • Egyesült Királyság 47 Meters Down (több)
Előzetes 3
Egyesült Királyság / Egyesült Államok / Dominikai Köztársaság, 2017, 89 perc


Két lánytestvér Mexikóban nyaral, ahol a tengerpart és az éjszakai élet segítik a könnyed kikapcsolódásukat. A lányok egy nap extrém cápanézésre indulnak, s a kirándulás során egy rácsos ketrecben merülnek le az óceán mélyére, hogy közvetlen közelről is láthassák a gyilkos ragadozókat. A biztonsági ketrecet tartó kábel azonban váratlanul elszakad, s 47 méter mélybe süllyed. A lányoknak alig egy órányi oxigénje marad a palackjukban, s ha mindez nem lenne elég, hemzsegnek körülöttük a vérszomjas cápák is. Halálos versenyfutás kezdődik az idővel az életükért. (Vertigo Média)


Videók (7)

Előzetes 3

Recenziók (10)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Ott, ahol A zátony alulmaradt a buta befejezésével, ott a 47 méter mélyen kiemelkedik egy remek forgatókönyvírói meglepetéssel. Szolid zsánerfilm egy erős 3*-ra! ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I'll start a bit harsher. Although the movie is only 85 minutes long, it didn't keep me on edge the whole time. Otherwise, everything is good here and within its subgenre, it probably couldn't have been done any better. I've seen similar variations like The Shallows with the divine Blake Lively a long time ago, so I can avoid comparisons. What I must definitely praise the most is the absolutely brilliant direction, which skillfully works with great camera movements, especially underwater, where most of the movie takes place. I found myself a few times thinking that I haven't seen something similar in a long time. However, towards the end, I felt a slight boredom creeping in, so I have to lower the rating by one notch, but for me, it's still a very strong 6/10. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Sometimes good, sometimes worse. Visually mediocre, with unremarkable acting (because the actors are wearing masks the whole film and the sound underwater is dodgy) and with a script that is bland, flat and poorly thought-out. Most of the time underwater, the film shuffles in place, as if it didn’t know how to engage the viewer and continue the story. Plus points for the interesting ending, but otherwise I'm rather disappointed in the result... ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Two nice ladies on vacation in Mexico end up trapped in a small cage at the bottom of the ocean with the oxygen running out and a shark around them. Decent idea, nice visuals. Two characters, lots of tension and thick atmosphere and most importantly a live shark (no digital crao) that manages to scare the viewer decently and definitely makes you respect it. There's not a lot of blood, but in the there is some. Satisfaction and if you like animal survival movies you should not not miss it. Story 5/10, Atmosphere 7/10, Gore 4/10, Visuals 7/10, Action 7/10, Suspense 7/10, Humour 0/10. Entertainment 7/10, Scares 5/10. 70% ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol How do you make a good shark horror movie when the script is cheaper than a Thai escort and the sharks are the most likeable characters? Johannes Roberts could give a short lecture on this, as his direction is quite inventive for a good two-thirds of the film and keeps the viewer's interest in the fate of the two hysterical hens trapped underwater successfully afloat. Especially in the moments when the girls are forced to leave the comfort of the cage, the atmosphere is really uncomfortable thanks to the intense music and the effects. The unconventional ending, however, was only half-pleasing, and I'm sure that as a humanist I regret the low number of people torn to pieces, even though it multiplies the believability of the sharks' instinctive behaviour. Weak 3*. ()

Galéria (43)