Mike NicholsForgatókönyvíró:
Kevin WadeOperatőr:
Michael BallhausZeneszerző:
Carly SimonSzereplők:
Melanie Griffith, Harrison Ford, Sigourney Weaver, Alec Baldwin, Joan Cusack, Philip Bosco, Nora Dunn, Oliver Platt, James Lally, Kevin Spacey (több)Streaming (4)
Tess McGill (Melanie Griffith) átlagos nő, nem mindannapi vágyakkal. A jóhiszemű lány élete nagy lehetőségét látja saját ötletében, amely felkeltette új főnöke, Katherine Parker (Sigourney Weaver) érdeklődését. Katherine azonban a nagy lehetőség küszöbén eltöri a lábát, és Tess egy őrült ötlettől vezérelve Katherine Parkernek adja ki magát. Hamarosan rájön, hogy főnöke meg akarta lopni, ezért, hogy ne vesszen el élete nagy lehetősége, szövetkezik egy jó nevű és jóképű brókerrel, Jackkel (Harrison Ford). (Film+)
(több)Recenziók (2)
An extremely obligatory film to watch in our household, along with Born Yesterday (again with Melanie) or Baby Boom (again from the office). There was enough of the late emancipation of the late 1980s and early 1990s. Drop the filler and start acting human again. ()
An emancipatory romantic drama, in which the woman is not just an erotic object (quite the opposite, actually), the main male character (and the film’s biggest star) appears after thirty minutes and the female protagonist’s career advancement has at least the same value as success in her personal life. Though the depiction of the protagonist’s path is a step behind the feminist ideas expressed in the film (e.g. according to the film, her dependence on men and their opinions, which is comparable to that in any given romantic comedy today, and the excessive ambition of Sigourney Weaver’s character, who can obviously work her way up even without Harrison Ford by her side are unacceptable and the ending essentially denies the need for structural changes in the given conditions). Despite the numerous famous actors appearing in the film, the sociological value of Working Girl is greater today than its entertainment value. Perhaps that’s because if Nichols doesn’t have a truly high-quality screenplay in his hand, he is incapable of making a brisk comedy with his theatrical directing. 60% ()
Galéria (71)
Photo © Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation