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az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The long-awaited project turned out differently than I had expected. Jeremy Renner is someone I really admire, and I was rooting for him not to become another one in the line whose career would be destroyed by family scandals. Although I expected his series to mainly focus on passing the torch, I am glad that it's directly about him. Even though we got some interesting comebacks from the MCU in the second half, I can't shake off the feeling that I didn't fully buy into it, and the Netflix series from the discontinued Marvel television division seemed visually better and more pleasant to watch. In my opinion, the visual aspect in the series is always worse than in movies, as the budget needs to be divided by the number of episodes. Even if a series cost, for example, 150 million, as Feige boasted about in WandaVision, it's definitely not a guarantee of satisfaction. But enough about visuals. Renner finally returned after years and brought in Kate Bishop, who fortunately isn't as annoying here as in other media where I had the "pleasure" of meeting her. Both of them carry it off effortlessly, which is a difference compared to, for example, Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Even though the Christmas setting bothered me and it won't be among my favorite cuts in the MCU, the character of Hawkeye exited gracefully. And for that, I'm very glad. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió (ehhez a tévésorozathoz)

angol Happy Holidays! A lightweight, enjoyable snack, nicely following up on and complementing events at Marvel. Renner is excellent and passes the baton on to a thrilled Hailey Steinfeld. Bishop has the balls to be in the Avengers, but it remains to be seen who else Feige will cast in the movies. It’s good to see Yelena and Wilson here and their appearances are meant to be the high points of the series. But it turns out that the real high point is the chase through the streets of New York with the souped-up darts. The series is worth watching for this alone. We're all gonna die. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A treat for winter, or even Christmas, which is irresistible. Whether the main hero is uttering lines like from Die Hard, enjoying perfect friendly chemistry with an unexpected partner, or just sadly staring into the distance, I marvel at the perfect symbiosis of everything and everyone. A cult villain, a dramatic storyline, a dog, and last but not least, a fulfilled dream in the form of Hailee Steinfeld and Florence Pugh as possibly my favorite talents of recent years, who come together for a chat over a heap of pasta. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Hawkeye is Disney’s Christmas gift to Marvel fans, especially those who’ve been rooting for Jeremy Renner’s bow-wielding Avenger. It’s a light, fun series that doesn’t take itself too seriously, with a plot that’s more of a backdrop than the main event. The real focus is on the cozy, family vibe, wrapping up some loose ends, and delivering a few key moments that Marvel fans have been waiting for. The holiday setting adds a nice, festive touch, making it the perfect watch for this time of year. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió (ehhez a tévésorozathoz)

angol Christmas popcorn from Marvel with two diametrically opposed halves. While the first 2 or 3 episodes are almost pure candy for small, young and simple viewers, where the cute little dog has to have only one eye and the black policewoman has to be a lesbian and say it out loud with nonchalant elegance in order to make everything as politically friendly and correct as possible, from the middle onwards the pace picks up and the story builds up solidly. Hawkeye ultimately deepens the Marvel universe pretty cleverly, revealing cards that we haven't quite got to see in the big movies or the series spin-offs. And with the arrival of Florence Pugh, everything jumps up another level. Four stars, but just barely. ()

Galéria (77)

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