Liz GarbusForgatókönyvíró:
Michael WerwieOperatőr:
Igor MartinovicZeneszerző:
Anne NikitinSzereplők:
Amy Ryan, Thomasin McKenzie, Kevin Corrigan, Gabriel Byrne, Dean Winters, Lola Kirke, Molly Brown, Oona Laurence, Miriam Shor, Austyn Johnson, Reed Birney (több)Streaming (1)
Az elszánt anya az igazságot akarja kideríteni, hogy megtalálja eltűnt lányát, de közben egy sor megoldatlan gyilkosságot is segít felgöngyölíteni. Igaz történet alapján. (Netflix)
Videók (1)
Recenziók (2)
Oh man, I thought that Netflix only made good movies ... and it turned out it can make really bad movies, too. Lost Girls is supposed to be a mysterious American drama with a crime subplot, a real story portraying facts that should shock you at the end of the story with their literality. But the result is that you spend an hour and a half staring at a screen where absolutely nothing happens. The characters run from point A to point B, they say something here and there, sometimes a bit of something happens, and then suddenly boom –it’s over. The only good thing about this film is Thomasin McKenzie, who made me watch it in the first place, but if I didn’t know her, it wouldn’t change much for me either. ()
First of all, it is terrible that such a thing happened, and with such a result... The film describes one case that is connected to the others. It's quite thrilling, but otherwise it doesn't have any special dynamics. I haven't seen Gabriela Byrnes anywhere for a long time, and she seemed extremely tired and listless, maybe that's how a detective who was supposed to be represented could look, with the agility with which he proceeded in that case. An average movie. ()