Thomas StuberSzereplők:
Tristan Göbel, Charly Hübner, Alexander Scheer, Lilith Stangenberg, Andrea Guo, Daniel Sträßer, Monika Oschek, Béla Gabor Lenz, Michael Specht (több)Epizódok(8)
Der Block (E01)
Hausregeln (E02)
Hunde und Katzen (E03)
Verlorene Söhne (E04)
Echos (E05)
Blinde Flecken (E06)
Menetekel (E07)
Juris Reise (E08)
Egy nemrég megözvegyült apa újra akarja kezdeni az életét, ezért elvállal egy régóta betöltetlen gondnoki állást egy lepukkant lakóparkban. (HBO Max)
Recenziók (1)
Only very rarely does a series succeed in creating an atmosphere and style that are difficult to liken to anything else. This series exudes bizarreness, darkness, and the mustiness of decades-old, neglected corners of a decaying house full of inhabitants with twisted characters, corroded by invisible evil. Sticky asphalt oozes from the cellars, altering characters and inducing strange hallucinations. No one and nothing can be trusted, and one mystery after another piles up. Even the main character is affected by paranoia, no longer trusting even his own father. For me, far superior to the overrated and overly convoluted Dark. A lot of bang for your buck. Overall impression: 90%. ()
Galéria (28)
Photo © Sky Deutschland / Lago Film GmbH / Reiner Bajo