Gus Van SantOperatőr:
Jean-Yves EscoffierZeneszerző:
Danny ElfmanSzereplők:
Robin Williams, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Stellan Skarsgård, Minnie Driver, Casey Affleck, Cole Hauser, Alison Folland, Vik Sahay, Scott William Winters (több)Streaming (2)
Will Hunting csak húsz éves, de már kilóg a kemény dél-bostoni munkásnegyed környezetéből. Barátaihoz hasonlóan gürcöl, amikor éppen nem a helyi bárban lóg vagy nem keveredik összetűzésbe a törvénnyel. Sosem járt egyetemre, mégis történelmi eszmefuttatásokat idéz fel fényképszerű emlékezetéből, és bámulatos gyorsasággal old meg Nobel-díjas professzorokat is zavarba ejtő matekpéldákat. Amikor ez az elképesztően okos és betörhetetlenül vad fiatalember egy újabb verekedés után börtönbe kerül, az egyetemi matematikaprofesszor, aki szeretné szárnyai alá venni a bajkeverő zsenit, régi barátja, a pszichológus Sean McGuire segítségét kéri Will megszelídítéséhez. Sean azonban maga is rendkívül intelligens, érzékeny és sokat szenvedett ember, így amikor ez a két erős egyéniség találkozik, különös küzdelem veszi kezdetét... (Gamma Home Entertainment)
(több)Videók (1)
Recenziók (10)
I’m not at all shocked that Robin Williams got an Oscar for the psychiatrist role. Each word coming out of his mouth was pure wisdom and it was hard not to listen to him and enjoy his performance all at the same time. But Matt Damon and Ben Affleck also surprised me – and at a time when nobody expected it from them, too. They both had hair like boy band members and they were full of youth, and yet they managed to write such an amazing script full of truth. The scene where Will Hunting gets mad at oil companies at a job interview really did it for me. ()
I wish I'd seen it sooner. A nice human interest story about real issues, values and the right questions, what today's Oscar wannabes try so hard to emulate, but can't. Matt Damon and Ben Affleck are great of course, but what the duo of Stellan Skarsgård and Robin Williams do is major league. Well deserved recognition, a great experience. ()
The two hunks did a good job writing it, although superficially, and where psychology was not enough, they provided proven phrases like "follow your heart". In the end, however, this drama about the search for the meaning of life also offers quite a moving resolution. What’s more, Van Sant directed it gently, with feeling and plenty of space for excellent actors... Even though Good Will Hunting bubbles like simple lemonade, it is able to amuse and has a decent impact. ()
A psychological/romance delicacy, which caught me off guard at the age of fourteen and I thought about it for a long time and identified with Will. Later, I abandoned the uncritical worship, but I will always admire the idea of two young guys who subscribed to a Hollywood career with their life's work. However, the best thing about this movie remains Robin Williams' tour de force. ()
Americans love stories about talented outsiders who have managed to succeed, and the whole world loves touching stories that skillfully manipulate our emotions. Good Will Hunting fulfills both of these criteria and shows why Hollywood is called the dream factory. It has nothing to do with real life, but it is enjoyable to watch and is a nicely cast film with decent direction, and above all, a screenplay that fully meets the requirements for a box office hit. I won't give it five stars because it is too artificial, but I also can't go below 4 stars. Overall impression: 75%. ()