
  • Engels Extractors (festivaltitel)
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Tsjechië, 2023, 6 h (Aantal minuten: 60 min)


Michal Novinski


Pavla Gajdošíková, Jakub Štáfek, Jan Révai, Ján Koleník, Jitka Schneiderová, Sofie Anna Švehlíková, Gabriela Heclová, Michaela Petřeková, Jiří Štrébl (meer)
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alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels The theme is intriguing, and it's great to see someone tackling this kind of subject. However, I have a few issues. Sure, it doesn't compare to the top-notch stories in the genre from recent years, but I couldn't ignore the occasional WTF moments. These moments seem to be a hallmark of the director. The naivety of the girls at the center of the story and the team running the extraction operations was a bit much. On the bright side, the setting is fantastic, the cinematography is excellent, and despite its flaws, it's a story worth watching. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels Actually, it was quite thrilling and except for a few cringe moments, it didn't come across as funny. I absolutely hate ratings like "pretty good for Czech standards", but I might not be able to avoid it here. Compared to any foreign genre production, we still have a lot to catch up on, but in terms of the script, the relative believability of the characters, and the overall outcome, this is a solid piece of work. It almost makes me want to say it's a step in the right direction. [60%] ()


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