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  • Zuid-Korea 펜트하우스 코끼리 (meer)

Recensie (1)



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Engels A strange and complex film that, if it weren't for Hyeok Jang and Min-jeong Lee, would have been a real ordeal for me. And a very long ordeal at that. But the long running time isn't the only thing I didn't get about this film. I don't think I've ever seen a more hectic story. First we're here, then there, then here again. And if after the first 20 minutes you start to console yourself that you'll figure it out in a bit, don't believe it. Because in no time you'll be even more confused. And another hour later completely. This one's bonkers, that one's hallucinating, that other one's dreaming, and I'm just blind in the headlights. If you don't know the actors beforehand, you're almost guaranteed to get lost. Plus, I'm convinced there was one big mistake that made me get one character wrong. Maybe it was there on purpose, for all I know. I'm not going to watch it again, so I'll probably never find out. One star for Hyeok Jang and another for Min-jeong and the rest of the cast. That's it. 2 stars ()