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Pragnąca zemsty za morderstwo męża kobieta odsłania najgłębiej skrywane i odrażające sekrety swojej małej społeczności. (Netflix)

Materiały wideo (1)


Recenzje (1)


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika (do tego serialu)

angielski The first half of the season was a delightful surprise for me. That's why I was all the more disappointed when the creators couldn't maintain that same level of quality in the second half. Even though I never explicitly mentioned it in my episode reviews, I have to admit, the opening titles really caught my attention. Despite things taking a bit of a nosedive, especially in the second half, the Austrians managed to keep me hooked. Sure, there were some logic gaps, but overall, I found myself enjoying it much more than I anticipated. / Lesson learned: Maybe steer clear of the Tyrolean Alps; the locals are a bit peculiar. ()

Galeria (79)