Smakosz 3

  • Stany Zjednoczone Jeepers Creepers 3 (więcej)
Zwiastun 2


Co 23 lata krwiożerczy Smakosz wyrusza na polowanie. Jego ulubiona zwierzyna łowna to ludzie, których ciała uważa za bardzo smakowite. Aktualnie na celownik bierze społeczność lokalnych farmerów. Sierżant Tubbs (Brandon Smith) postanawia raz na zawsze rozprawić się z bestią. Z pomocą szeryfa Tashtego (Stan Shaw) rekrutuje specjalnie wyszkoloną grupę śmiałków. Pragnąc jak najlepiej rozgryźć wroga, Tubbs poznaje przeszłość Smakosza. (Monolith)


Materiały wideo (2)

Zwiastun 2

Recenzje (2)


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski The American horror movie Jeepers Creepers 3 is not a completely undignified follow-up to the previous two movies as they were not amazing either. However, it still works as a sequel that, although it is not really essential, does sort of come full circle. The main thing is that there is a monster that kills and whether the humans will be able to manage somehow to defeat it. It is gritty and macho, but that is about all there is to it. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski I don't quite understand why Victor Salva turned his great monster and exceptional villain into a fairground attraction and essentially parodied it. I also didn't quite understand why most of those "horror" scenes took place in broad daylight. We all know very well that only Shyamalan can scare people in broad daylight. Everything is simply wrong with this movie, from the script and effects to the atmosphere, almost nothing works, and compared to the cheaper but a thousand times more quality first installment, this is a disappointment. ()


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