
Artur (Russell Brand) jest przyzwyczajonym do życia w luksusie, beztroskim 30-latkiem. Chłopak słynie z zamiłowania do alkoholu, kobiet i dobrej zabawy. Niestety, jego radość pryska, gdy okazuje się, że aby odziedziczyć ogromną rodową fortunę, musi poślubić córkę bogatego przedsiębiorcy budowlanego (Nick Nolte) – Susan (Jennifer Garner). Niespodziewanie w jego życiu pojawia się inna kobieta. Zakochany po uszy Artur postanawia zrobić wszystko, by zdobyć serce pięknej Naomi (Greta Gerwig). Pomagają mu w tym ukochana niania Hobson (Helen Mirren) i oddany szofer Bitterman (Luis Guzmán). Remake znanego filmu z Dudleyem Moore’em z 1981 roku, którego motywem przewodnim jest odwieczny dylemat – kochać czy mieć. (HBO)


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wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski I don't like Russell Brand at all, but he was the perfect choice to play the simple-minded Arthur. I also liked the female cast featuring Helen Mirren and Jennifer Garner. As far as the story is concerned, it is not an original gem, but on the other hand, the plot moved along, I was not bored, so just a clean average that does not offend. In short, an unpretentious and relaxing film that was well suited for a long bus journey. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Arthur isn’t anything groundbreaking, but I gave it four stars because it has a certain charm. It moves along at a nice pace, and Russell Brand plays his usual wacky character, which still manages to entertain me. ()



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski A surprisingly good comedy. I was (justifiably, I think, given the films I've seen with him so far) scared by Russell Brand, but unnecessarily so. I liked the verbal shootouts between Arthur and the sarcastic nanny played by Helen Mirren the most, but there were many more funny moments. Thank God for them. I can safely say that I was entertained from beginning to end. The end was not surprising, but what do you expect from a tale about reforming a debauched alcoholic billionaire? ()

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