Fahrenheit 451

(filme de TV)
  • USA Fahrenheit 451 (mais)
Trailer 3

Streaming (1)


Um thriller estonteante, de alta tecnologia, que infunde no livro clássico do mesmo nome de Ray Bradbury uma sensibilidade abertamente do século 21, a apresentação HBO Films de Fahrenheit 451 mostra um futuro americano em que os média são um opiáceo, bots da Internet controlam rotinas do dia-a-dia, a história é truncada ou reescrita e brigadas de bombeiros celebridades se envolvem em missões televisionadas de busca e destruição para queimar livros e levar à justiça os seus donos humilhados.
Neste mundo paranoico, um bombeiro zeloso (Michael B. Jordan), que está a ser preparado para substituir o seu capitão de longa data (Michael Shannon) começa a questionar suposições há muito aceites sobre a prática de queimar livros e outros graffiti que os líderes dizem terem provocado dissensão espalhada e, consequentemente, uma Segunda Guerra Civil em que milhões pereceram. Depois de conhecer uma jovem informadora (Sofia Boutella) que está em liberdade condicional por apoiar os que dão valor à literatura e história, o bombeiro toma a perigosa decisão de ajudar um grupo de "Eels" clandestinos que têm um plano ousado para preservar o conteúdo de milhares de livros clássicos, arte e cultura - se conseguirem enganar as forças que tudo veem e estão apostadas em destruí-los. (HBO Portugal)


Vídeos (3)

Trailer 3

Críticas (3)


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês HBO and their magnificent yet mysterious trailer raised high hopes, and I thought I wouldn't watch this series. After finding out it would only be a movie, I decided to give it a chance, even though the duo of Michael Shannon and Michael B. Jordan didn't particularly appeal to me, which was the opposite until recently. I was literally shocked by the devastating reactions from the Cannes Film Festival, and it was clear that things wouldn’t go well, leaving me curious where the mistake occurred. I certainly don't see it as bleak; rather than the film's execution, I had a problem with the story, which I found outright stupid. Even though it's straightforward propaganda where the main character discovers the real truth, it just seems silly to me for firefighters to start burning books without a proper explanation (besides some brainwashing by some ministry). I understand perfectly that the source material is appropriately brilliant and makes perfect sense, but that's simply not enough for me. I would probably prefer to watch the fifty-year-old film of the same name, as I completely doubt how different the story could be. Instead, I'll just have this slightly above-average film in mind, which looks great, sounds great, and features well-known actors. Before the premiere, the film would strongly resemble the huge flop Equilibrium with Mr. Bale in the leading role, and now I even see it's in similar films. So the point is clear: if you've read the book, definitely avoid the movie, although I believe that 40% is significantly underrated. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês The film wasn’t as bad as I feared, given my initial expectations of a movie filled with nonsense, A poorly written script, and a dreadful final execution. However, it didn’t turn out that way. Admittedly, if I had read Ray Bradbury's original novel, I might have had more critiques about what the film aimed to achieve, but since I haven’t read the book, comparisons aren’t quite relevant. Firstly, the film has a distinct TV production feel. The special effects seem rather basic, and I would have expected a more elaborately developed world. The aerial shots of a regular city with only a few CGI signs on skyscrapers don’t impress much. Despite this, I found the story engaging, with an intriguing concept about firefighters (it never would have occurred to me to turn the primary function of a fire department into starting fires instead of putting them out). The subplot involving the rebels seemed a bit underdeveloped; it could have been tweaked to give this storyline more weight and convincing character. Michael Shannon shines in his role, and his expressions are a pleasure to watch; he’s a great actor. The ending was quite acceptable. The execution gets 2 stars, but the idea deserves a strong 4. I give it 65%. ()

Galeria (9)